The Night Shift

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Danielle put her tray on the table, she sat down and picked up her chopsticks, "Are you busy today?" she asked Hanni who was chewing her rice.
The Vietnamese shook her head, "Ms. Kim is having a press conference together with Mr. Kim." she replied.

"Well, you can leave early." Danielle giggled, "I can do that?" Hanni asked hopefully, Danielle laughed, "Of course not." she said, Hanni looked at her with a flat face.

"About yesterday's incident, how did you think of giving the recording to Ms. Kang?"
"She gave me the code."
"But how did you know what to do?" Hanni looked at Danielle in amazement.
Danielle shrugged her shoulders, "I just knew."
"Do you guys have a psychic connection or something?" Hanni chuckled.

Danielle's face turned red.

"Why don't you admit your feelings for her?" Hanni tested the water.
"What? What do you mean?" Danielle replied in a curt way, the red color on her face now spreading to her ears.

Hanni grinned. Her feelings was right.


They both turned around, a woman with shoulder-length hair smiled at them, "Oh! Jin Sol." Danielle greeted her, "May I join you?" she grinned.
Danielle nodded, "Of course!"

Hanni observed the woman called Jin Sol, she was fair-skinned like Danielle, her eyes had a playful twinkle with rosy-colored cheeks, and bunny teeth were visible when she opened her mouth. So cute and pretty.

"You must be Pham Hanni, I just saw you for the first time, you're very popular among the employees." Jin Sol smiled at Hanni.
"Really?" Hanni smiled too although her brows were furrowed in confusion.
"Of course! You're the devil's secretary!" Jin Sol laughed but quickly covered her mouth, "Oops."
Danielle laughed, "You're famous for surviving her the longest." she said to Hanni.

"Yeah, the longest record is held by her last secretary three months ago, 24 hours." Jin Sol started stirring her ramen.

Hanni widened her eyes, that was only a day!

"There was a new secretary and an hour later she went to the head of the HR division, begging to quit while crying. Kim Minji is amazing" Jin Sol snickered.
"Jin Sol is the HR director." Danielle whispered.
"I didn't get a chance to meet you before, just read your bio, you're very pretty in person." Jin Sol smiled.

Hanni smiled awkwardly, bowing her head.

"What's it like working with the devil? I'm glad you're still in one piece." Jin Sol grinned, Hanni glanced at Danielle, " Her sense of humor is a bit weird." Danielle whispered with a chuckle.

"Umm..." Hanni played with her spoon, not knowing what to say. She wasn't someone who liked to badmouth people even if they deserved it.


Hanni couldn't answer.

Jin Sol suddenly burst out laughing, some of the employees around their table were startled.
"It's okay Hanni, I understand." she said, Hanni just grinned, Jin Sol then looked at Danielle, "Are you free after work?" she asked.

Danielle nodded, "Yeah, why?"
Jin Sol's eyes twinkled, "Let's go to the dessert cafe at the plaza across from the office."
Danielle gasped, "Oohh!!! I know that place! I've always wanted to go there!"
"You want to go then?"
"Of course!"

Hanni looked at the two people, they were like two talking cartoon characters.

"You're coming too." Danielle looked at her. Hanni shook her head, "I can't, I have a lot of chores to do. Maybe next time." she answered.
"Then it's just the two of us Danielle." Jin Sol smiled at the Australian.

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