I Love You

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What does that mean?

She never really had it for anyone else.

Her first trust was towards her mother, who always gave her love, looked after her with care, gave her what she needed.

'Mom was my guardian', her young and innocent self believed that.

But that feeling quickly dissipated, when her father started giving her demands and beatings. But she respected her mother anyway, and Minji knew that maybe in the future she would be able to trust her mother again.

Mom had been very protective of her and Haerin lately from that old bastard.

Then Haerin came.

Why did Dad suddenly come with a girl her age? Was Dad having an affair and that was his illegitimate child? She wondered at that time. But then she found out about the accident, and she sympathized with the cat-eye. And Haerin somehow made her feel like opening up.
Haerin was very patient with her, inviting her to talk and wanting to get to know her better but not forcing her or making her uncomfortable.

She didn't understand why Haerin was such a fool now, only trustworthy when it came to work.

And Hyein.

She found her when the tall one was fighting with thugs who she knew were her father's business rivals. Hyein was so smart and strong that she decided to make her her assistant.

A stupid giraffe who is very loyal and submissive.

But lately Hyein has been very obedient to Hanni, and she wonders why.


Why would the person who made her believe that there was still such a thing as 'trust' lie to her? She loves Hanni, more than anything.

She was mad, but she didn't want Hanni to leave.

But Mom took her away. But she came back...Hanni always came back.

Hanni, I want to apologize.

"Hanni..." Minji got up from the bed, wanting to go to her wife.

"You've gone crazy, you think I'm that short?" Haerin stepped into Minji's room.

Minji stopped her movement.

Not Hanni?

Haerin turned on the room light.
Minji squinted her eyes at the bright light that suddenly greeted her.

She looked at Haerin.

The cat-eyed one raised her eyebrows.

"You look like you're looking at a fish-headed human."
"What are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here? Mom took Hanni away from you, so I assumed that you would go crazy, and I'm here to keep you company. Why would I do that? Because I'm a good sister." Haerin made a smug face.

"Why aren't you with Hyein? I want to be alone." Minji leaned back against the headboard, her gaze blank.
Haerin approached Minji and stood at the edge of her bed, "Please let me sleep here, I promise in the name of my relationship with Dani I won't disturb you." She pleaded.

"Didn't you guys break up?"

Haerin gasped, "Watch your tongue you dictatorial demon!"
"Get out of here."
"That stupid giraffe has already made up with Yoona! And when I left the room to get a snack, they were sleeping cuddled up on that cramped sofa, how could I bear to see that?"
"Even that idiot is smarter than you when it comes to romance. We all know Yoona is the fiercest of our couples." Minji mocked her.

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