Broken Handcuffs

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The middle-aged man swirled the wine in his glass and placed the glass next to his plate. His eyes looked at his adopted daughter sitting opposite him.

"I believe you didn't just come here to have dinner with me." he said then.
Haerin put down her chopsticks and cleaned her mouth, "I want you to reconsider about the outcome of that bet." she said.

Her cat eyes stared at Mr. Kim, "I want Minji to remain CEO."

Mr. Kim observed Haerin's face carefully, he then scoffed, "I thought you wanted to talk about the new big project, but it turns out you said that."

"We almost got the contract." Haerin gritted her teeth.

Mr. Kim looked at her lazily, waiting for her next sentence.

"A signature was all that was needed but their leader is my ex, and she made a ridiculous request." Haerin's hands clenched into fists, her eyes staring at the man in front of her with hatred, "Minji turned it down to save my dignity." she said angrily.

"Minji doesn't deserve this..." the woman's eyes glazed over.

"You should have taught her to be more careful in speaking, now she has to accept the consequences. And I don't care about your dealings, the result is the most important thing."

Haerin slammed the table, "How can you talk like that? SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER!!!" she yelled.

Mr. Kim looked at Haerin coldly, "I have no tolerance for mistakes or excuses in business. Minji knows about it and she accepts it, so you shouldn't try to interfere either."

"Minji was right." Haerin muttered, Mr. Kim raised his eyebrows, "You are a heartless dictator, thinking only of your business and yourself. You don't hesitate to step on us to make yourself more successful and famous."

Haerin looked deeply into the middle-aged man's eyes, "Your death will only be surrounded by your money and company, without anyone caring about you, even your own family." she said with an expressionless face.

A hard slap landed on Haerin's cheek causing her face to be thrown to the side, she glanced at Mr. Kim and another hard slap was again lodged on her cheek.

"You're lucky my guilt towards you didn't lead me to punish you like I did to Minji." the man growled, his hand trembling from the amount of force he exerted to slap Haerin.

Haerin stared back at him, blood falling slowly from the corner of her lips that had begun to swell.

"I'll resign." her tears rolled down her cheeks, anger peaked inside her head but she tried to remain calm.

Mr. Kim pulled at the collar of her sweater, their faces very close, "You are under contract with me. You'll be taking Minji's place in three months, so I hope you don't act weird during that time." he snarled.

"Next month is December..." Haerin's voice trembled, "I'm going to Australia to meet Danielle's family." she continued.

Haerin was already planning to propose to Danielle in front of her parents.

"Reschedule whatever you're planning to do!" Mr. Kim snapped, "MK Construction is working on the blueprints for their new mega project. The meeting is in two weeks and I want you to handle the new contract."

"FUCK THE CONTRACT!!!" Haerin exclaimed angrily. Mr. Kim's eyes reddened, he raised his hand and slapped the cat-eye again on the same spot.

"I'll ruin your career if you dare to do anything." he whispered cruelly.

"All those good grades on your graduation certificate and your smart brain, they won't be useful anywhere. You don't want that to happen, trust me."

He then released his grip harshly and looked at Haerin coldly, " You can go home if you have nothing more to say."

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