The Trap Went Well

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Haerin stared at Danielle who just got out of the elevator with Hanni and Jin Sol. The shoulder-length hair said something and they all laughed, Danielle held her arm and whispered something to her.

Hanni behind them seemed to be pretending to be angry, probably protesting because she wanted to know what they were talking about.

Her lips made a small curve looking at Danielle who was now holding Hanni, they both made small talk and smiled.

Two more days Dani.

The winter wind immediately hit them as the three exited the main entrance of the building.

"Why is the wind this strong?" said Hanni, a thin stream of smoke coming out of her mouth, Danielle shivered, her knit sweater wasn't enough to keep her warm, she didn't expect the wind to be this cold.

"I think I should go back to my room to get my coat, wait for me, I won't be long." She smiled at the two people.
"You can wear my jacket." Jin Sol started to open his parka jacket.

"She's warm now." Haerin put her long coat on Danielle.

The three of them looked over, and immediately bowed to her.

"Are you guys going to lunch?" Haerin asked, she glanced at Danielle and gave her a small smile. Danielle smiled back and averted her eyes, her rosy cheeks growing red with embarrassment and excitement.

"We're going to eat at the restaurant across the street, there's a Japanese restaurant that just opened there Miss. Ji Woo said that the food is really good." said Jin Sol.

Haerin looked at her, "Really? Ji Woo said that? How about we invite her too and if I don't like it she has to pay for everything." she laughed.

Jin Sol laughed awkwardly.
"I guess I trusted her words, she has a good appetite." she said then.

"Why don't you bring her along? You guys are always together." Haerin stared at Jin Sol.

Hanni looked at the silent Danielle, it seemed that the Australian could also sense Haerin's unusual vibe.

"Miss Kang, let's go now, or we'll be late getting back to the office later." Danielle smiled, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere between them.

Haerin looked at her, "I'll go with you guys, don't worry." She then glanced at Hanni, "I'll tell Minji that you're going to lunch with me." she smiled gently.
"Thank you Miss Kang." Hanni bowed her head.


Jin Sol and Danielle were chatting happily and full of laughter, the director seemed to be recounting her experiences while vacationing in the village where her grandmother lived, and Danielle was always laughing loudly while covering her mouth.

Haerin watched the crescent shape of the Australian woman's eyes, how could someone look as beautiful as her?

Hanni chewed her sushi and seemed to laugh occasionally, she glanced at Haerin who was watching Danielle intently.

Their COO looked a little different today, usually she was always smiling and speaking kindly. But she seemed a little gloomy today and her gaze was sometimes blank.

"Are you okay Miss Kang?" Hanni asked half-whispering to her, fortunately they were sitting next to each other. Haerin glanced at her, she smiled slightly, "Why do you ask like that?"

"You've become more quiet, are you not feeling well Miss?" Hanni looked at her with a concerned look on her face, Haerin chuckled, "I'm fine." she said, "By the way, I messaged Minji earlier that you were having lunch with me, and judging by her reply it looks like she's not happy." Haerin winked her eyes.

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