A Blast from The Past

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She hated that gaze, the sharp, judgmental look in those dark black eyes, which seemed colder than hers.

That gaze had consumed her for a dozen years, was on top of her when she was beaten to a pulp on the floor.

She clenched her teeth tightly, and averted her eyes.

They met another gaze, but those brownish-black eyes were filled with love, which always gave her peace, making her drown and think of nothing else.

The tip of the gaze owner's lips lifted slightly, giving a gentle smile.

Minji desperately wanted to kiss her, and take her back inside her secret chamber, continuing their pending lovemaking.

Mr. Kim adjusted his seat on the sofa, "I'll just drop by for a moment, I'm curious as to why my daughter went missing at her wedding last week."

"There was some business..."

"Business on a Saturday? In the morning?"

"I was negotiating with a company in Dubai."

The old man's eyes narrowed, looking at Minji probingly, "May I know the name of the company?"

Minji gritted her teeth, "Dubai First Security." she said.

Mr. Kim scoffed, "I didn't get any info."
"Haerin and I are still in the negotiation stage, it's a billion dollar project." Minji gave her father a sharp look.

She wasn't completely lying, a few months ago they tried to invite that world's number one security company to cooperate but there had been no significant response.

She had to use it as an excuse, this old man must not know what happened the other day.

The old man got up from the sofa, "If you lied to me..."
"If I manage to get it you have to give this company to me." Minji cut in, looking at her father with a cold and hateful gaze.

"It will belong to me completely and you can't make any more decisions when it comes to it, you will only take care of your other companies, but not this one."

Hanni grasped Minji's clenched hand, trying to link their fingers, and Minji opened her fist, rubbing Hanni's hand.

She understood the Vietnamese was trying to calm her down.

The father and daughter locked eyes intensely.

Hanni squeezed Minji's fingers gently.

"If you fail, withdraw from your position. You like that kind of bet, don't you?" Mr. Kim turned around and sat back on the sofa.

Minji's jaw hardened, "Deal." she growled.

Mr. Kim grinned.
There was no way Minji could get through to the security company, the bureaucracy was too convoluted, he had tried, approached them for almost two years, and had spent a lot of money flying back and forth and entertaining them, but still nothing.

Failed in the end.

He couldn't wait to see the outcome of Minji's big mouth. If she succeeded of course he would keep his promise to let the company go, but that didn't matter, because Minji's success would make the shares of his other companies soar.

But if she failed, not only would she have to relinquish her position but she would also be stripped of all her rights related to the other companies in the Kim family business.

In other words, she cannot work anywhere related to the Kim family's companies or their relations.

Minji, my daughter, I want to see you try to surpass me.

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