Genuine Desire [M]

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author here.

First of all, I would like to thank you for your support and patience.
I had a lot of assignments last week and it was very difficult to find time to write.

Also, I had a date on Friday, and it was great! There was a lot of physical touch and she even stroked my hair, but I don't dare to expect much because she's straight.

Well, we'll see what the future holds.

And I know you guys are looking forward to this chapter, so please enjoy 😏.


Minji stood dumbfounded under the water that washed her body from the shampoo and soap. Hanni was waiting for her on the bed, and she wasn't angry... instead she was worried about the giraffe and the stupid cat.

And Hanni still loved her, treated her gently, and always reminded her that everything would be dealt with together.

For the first time Minji felt she was not alone.

She suddenly felt guilty for yelling at Hanni earlier.

She cleans her face and the rest of her body, then exits the shower area and grabs her towel.

Hanni turned her head when Minji came out of the bathroom, she smiled at her and got off the bed, "I'll help you dry your hair." she said, already wearing her night gown again.

She then had Minji sit on the edge of the bed and took the hair dryer from the dresser drawer, "We'll treat your hand after this." Hanni kissed Minji's forehead and started drying her hair.

Minji looked down at her reddish swollen knuckles, she closed her eyes enjoying Hanni's gentle touch on her scalp and hair.

Whatever Hanni did made Minji feel comfortable and calm.

No one speaks, only the soft humming sound of the hair dryer.

Hanni went to the desk drawer after finishing drying Minji's hair, she took the ointment and went back to the bed, applying the medicine to the wound on Minji's hand.

Minji suddenly felt nervous, her eyes following Hanni who was putting the medicine back into the drawer.

Are they really going to do this? Does Hanni really want this?

Hanni closed the desk drawer, she turned and stared at Minji intensely, then walked slowly over to her.

She sits on Minji's lap, touches her hand, strokes it. She kisses Minji's forehead gently, down to her eyes, to her cheeks.

"I promise you'll only focus on me." Hanni looked at her softly, she lifted Minji's hand and placed her cheek in the palm of the woman's hand.

"Take off your clothes and kiss me." Hanni gave her a small smile.

Minji took off her long-sleeved shirt, then kissed Hanni's lips with slow movements, "You can kiss me as usual, I would like it more." Hanni whispered against Minji's lips, rubbing her neck and shoulders.

Minji hugged Hanni tightly, kissing her relentlessly, Hanni started to let out small moans, "Minji.." she guided Minji's hands to open her nightgown.

Minji looked hesitant, Hanni kissed her forehead again, "It's okay, I want it. I want it if it's with you." she looked at Minji, smiling gently.

Minji opened Hanni's nightgown, they kissed again.

"Pham..." came Minji's whisper, she rested her forehead on Hanni's collarbone.
"Please don't leave me."

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