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Danielle munched on her chicken and glanced at Hanni, her friend had been spacing out ever since they ordered.

A few days ago she had also been gloomy-faced at the office.

Did she have a fight with Minji?

Or...was the wedding canceled?

Danielle gasped.

No way! Tomorrow is the day, there's no way they're canceling it!

Or was it?

"Why do you have such a worried look on your face?"
Danielle turned her head, Hanni was looking at her in confusion.

"Are you okay? You look sad these days." Danielle held Hanni's hand.
"I'm fine Dani, just a little tired."
"Tomorrow is your wedding day, why are you and Miss Kim still in the office? Shouldn't you be resting?"

"There won't be many people coming since it's a private event, we'll be fine." Hanni gave a reassuring smile.

"But you haven't touched your food yet. Are you full?"
"Alright I'll eat now."

Danielle leaned forward, " guys have a fight?" she asked in a whisper.

Hanni shook her head, but then she had tears in her eyes. Danielle gasped, "Ah, is that right? Gosh, I'm gonna beat her up when we get back to the office." she snorted.

"No! What did you do that for?"
"Because she made my best friend sad!"
"Let it go Danielle."
"Ugh, you spoil her too much." Danielle took an annoyed bite of her chicken.

"By the way..." Danielle's face turned red, "We did it last night."

Hanni immediately held her hand, "Please don't scream, we're in a public place." she said with a pleading look.

Danielle who was gawking immediately laughed amusedly, "How do you know what I'm going to do?"

"Dani, just continue with your story." Hanni chewed her chicken, right now she really needed a distraction from her worries about Minji. She was even more anxious thinking about her than the wedding tomorrow.

"Haerin did it very gently..." Danielle's eyes were dreamy, she was smiling so broadly that Hanni almost thought the Australian's lips were pulled up to her ears.

The memory of last night was still very clear in her mind. They kissed at first, but then the kiss became more intense and their lips and hands roamed everywhere.

Haerin held back her arousal with difficulty until she finally managed to pull back her hand that almost slipped into Danielle's nightgown.

She would do it if Danielle really wanted it.

The cat-eye kissed her forehead and invited her to just sleep.

But Danielle hugged Haerin's neck tightly and looked at her with her hooded eyes and rosy cheeks.
'I want you.' was her whisper to the taller woman.

And in an instant Haerin had them naked, worshipping Danielle's body with her lips and fingers, not missing a spot.

"She kissed me all over, she was very gentle, asking if I liked it if she did this, or that. And her body..." Danielle squealed in her signature high pitch, covering her face with her palms.

Hanni glanced around, there were a few older women at the next table looking at them.

"Keep your voice down Dani." Hanni nudged the woman's hand.

"Oh right..." Danielle took a breath, her face bright red, "Like I said before, her body...her broad shoulders, her lean muscles...

And it felt so good to sleep in her arms, I can't believe I get to do that every night!" Danielle let out a small squeal.

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