Bloody Hands From The Past

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The thick glass door closed automatically after five people in expensive suits exited the room. Minji was still studying the presentation on her MacBook screen, she adjusted her glasses.

"I'll escort the MK team to the lobby." Haerin stood up and walked towards the door, Minji averted her eyes, staring at Haerin's back until she walked out of the room and the door closed again.

Haerin had not spoken to her since their conversation in the back garden of the Marsh family residence. She wished her a happy new year, but after that, their conversations were only work related.

She only spoke when needed.

Minji felt frustrated.

Haerin was the only person who understood and compensated for her jokes. She couldn't do the same for Hyein, that idiot would just look at her in confusion or nod.

Her sharp eyes found Hyein walking towards her. The taller one's face turned tense when she saw the look on Minji's face.

Hyein cleared her throat and bowed 90 degrees when she reached her, "Your wife is waiting for you in the office, she told me to remind you that in ten minutes you will have lunch with Mrs. Kim."

Minji nodded and picked up her cell phone on the table, then stood up. She furrowed her brows when Hyein was still bowing, "What else is it?" she asked.

"I want to ask for permission to take a day off on Wednesday."

Minji raised her eyebrows.

That was new. Hyein never asked for permission for anything, even when sick she still came to the office.

"What for?"
"I want to meet Miss Seol's parents."

Minji's eyebrows rose higher.
"Look at me."
Hyein straightened up and looked at Minji, her boss gave a small grin, "Are you going to propose to that fierce one?"

"No..not yet..I want to ask for their approval on our relationship."

Minji's grin grew wider, "You brave bastard, you've really changed huh?"

Hyein bowed her head, "Yoona is different, I want to live my life with her."

Minji's both hands quickly grabbed the collar of Hyein's coat and pulled her to her face, "I'll beat the shit out of you if you don't manage to convince that bastard Seol Il Sung and then I'll kill him for not approving of your relationship."

Hyein gave a small smile, "I will try not to disappoint you Miss Kim."

The CEO released her grip and adjusted Hyein's coat, "I'll give you two days, make love to Yoona as often as you want." Minji walked towards the glass door.

Hyein bowed 90 degrees, "Thank you Miss Kim."

"And bring something with you, that old Seol likes expensive liquors." Minji said as she stepped out of the room, the glass door closing behind her.


Mrs. Kim finished ordering some dishes and looked back at her children's faces, she furrowed her brows, "Aigoo, why are you two so sour on this sunny afternoon? Are you sick?" She asked when the waiter had left the VVIP room.

"Minji is the one who is sick, her brain and personality are not functioning properly." Haerin replied with an annoyed snarl, why did Mom have to invite that bastard?

Minji folded her arms in front of her chest, "Looks like someone is still holding a grudge for weeks, you also know it's not good for your health, right, Sister?" she growled in a low tone.

"Don't act like you don't know the cause of my sickness!" Haerin snapped. Danielle rubbed her arm, trying to calm her down, she then glanced at Hanni. The Vietnamese stared at her with an apologetic look, Danielle just gave a small nod.

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