Flip The Switch

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author here.

How are we doing buddies?
Things are getting intense and interesting aren't they 🙂.

Who do you want to save?
The Vietnamese? Or the Sunflower?

Or the giraffe?


That white Maybach cut through the night streets at a speed that Hanni found a little bit excessive. She gripped her seat tightly.
It was still 8pm and the streets were still crowded.

She closes her eyes in fear as Minji speeds up just as the yellow light changes to red. There was an angry honk behind them.

"Miss Kim, please, slow down." Hanni said cautiously, glancing at Minji.
The woman's face was expressionless.
"You don't feel well, you need to be treated immediately." Minji said then.

"If you keep driving like this we will both be hospitalized." Hanni said fearfully, she gasped when Minji suddenly made a sharp turn.

They were on their way to the office.

Hanni sat fidgeting, unable to think, the speedometer and the way Minji drove making her brain deadlocked. Fear overcame her, and the thought of what would happen later when they reached the office made her panic.

"You look pale."

"Yes Miss, I feel more sick with the way you drive." Hanni said.
"Is it not fast enough?"
"It's fine!" Hanni exclaimed in despair.
"We'll be there in a minute."
Minji held Hanni's hand.

The woman's eyes widened, "Miss Kim, your hand...", "Does my driving scare you?" Minji asked.
Hanni looked out the window, they started to enter the parking lot.

"Yes." Hanni replied quietly.

Minji pulled her hand from Hanni's, she drove the car into the CEO-only parking lot.

She turned off the engine and opened the door, then went to Hanni's door and opened it.
Hanni was even more astonished, she got out of the car, "Thank you Miss Kim."

They headed for the elevator. Minji pressed the button, the elevator doors opened, they got in.
Hanni looked nervously at the CEO's back, they were here, what would happen next?

"I'm feeling better, I think I can go home now Miss. Thank you for your concern." Hanni said.

"You're feeling better now." Minji grinned, "Are you doing this to distract me from Hyein and Yoona earlier? You're very brave Pham."

The elevator doors opened, she grabbed Hanni's hand and pulled her out.

Hanni stumbles around trying to keep up with Minji's long footsteps that are now heading towards her office door.


Hanni opened her bag with her free hand, reaching frantically, she quickly gave the small object to Minji when she found it.

"Tell procurement tomorrow morning to replace all the door locks on this floor with facial recognition." Minji said as she unlocked the door.

They walked towards her secret chamber, Minji opened it and pulled Hanni inside, and closed the door, locking it.

She then let go of Hanni's hand and stood facing her.

Hanni just looked down.

"Clean yourself up and change your clothes, I've bought you new underwear, I hope they fit." Minji said.

"Miss Kim, I really feel better already..."

Minji touched Hanni's chin and raised it until the Vietnamese's face was facing her.
"You said you wanted to be with me. Prove it."

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