Hard Heart

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A few days later.

Minji opened the guest room and approached the bed, she looked at Hanni who was still in a deep sleep. Her hand reached out to pull back the blanket wrapped around her, "Wake up." she said.

Hanni was still snoring softly, but a moment later her hands were fumbling with the mattress, looking for the blanket.

Minji put on her knit sweater and faced Hanni, "Wake up" she said again, starting to feel impatient.

The Vietnamese rolled over onto her side, she then opened her eyes slowly.
Her vision still blurry, she blinked her eyes a few times.

The silhouette of Minji standing tall in front of her made her furrow her brow.

"Minji, why are you dressed up?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

"I'm going to the office, get up Pham."
"To the office?" Hanni sat on the bed, "Is your back not hurting anymore?" she asked.
"I have something to take care of."
"What about your back?"

Minji sighed loudly, losing patience, she pulled Hanni's waist, forcing her to stand up.

Hanni gasped and immediately covered her mouth.
Minji furrowed her brows, "What the hell, I'm not going to kiss you." she snapped angrily.

Hanni shook her head, "No, it's about my morning breath." she said still covering her mouth.

Minji narrowed her eyes, she removed her hands from Hanni's waist, "Get ready soon, if you're not done in 30 minutes I'll leave you."

"I can call a taxi."

"Don't joke with me!"

Hanni chuckled and hugged Minji tightly, "Being angry in the morning is not good for your mental state." she then released her hug and ran towards the bathroom.


"Can't you drive normally?" Hanni wiped her lipstick that went off track when Minji suddenly pulled the accelerator to pass the car in front of her.

The tall one snorted, "It's your own fault for wearing makeup here."

Hanni gasped, "I agreed with you to be ready in 30 minutes, but a woman has to dress up. Do you want me to come to the office with no makeup on? Even the janitors there wear lipstick and face powder."

Minji turned sharply to the right, Hanni again canceled her intention to put on lipstick.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Your office isn't going anywhere." Hanni snapped irritably.

"Sometimes I miss the old you, who wasn't as noisy as you are now." Minji growled.

"What did I tell you? Being grumpy in the morning is not good for you." Hanni touched Minji's fingers carefully.

They entered the parking lot.
Minji parked her car in her slot, she then turned off the engine.

"I'll be in Haerin's office until noon." she said as she opened her door.

Hanni got out of the car, she closed the door in a hurry, "I'll buy coffee and breakfast at the lobby cafe, would you like some?" she asked, Minji shook her head.

Hanni trotted up to Minji, the woman stopped walking and furrowed her brow.

"I'll see you at noon, please don't fight again, talk to me if something upsets you." Hanni said softly.

She then pulled Minji's sweater so that the tall woman bent down slightly, Hanni kissed Minji's lips and smiled, "Bye!" she waved her hand and took a small run towards the lobby.

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