No One Can Refuse Her

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Minji kissed Hanni's forehead and rubbed her bare back, "Does it still hurt?" she asked softly, Hanni gave a small smile, "No." she stroked Minji's neck, kissing her collarbone.

"Where do you want to go on Christmas vacation?" Minji kissed Hanni's lips and caressed her waist, she slipped her tongue into the Vietnamese's mouth, the petite woman sighed, "Wherever you want to take me."
She suddenly pulled her face away, Minji let out a small growl in annoyance.

"Aren't Haerin and Danielle going to Australia this Christmas? Who will be in charge of this company in you guys' absence? You also haven't announced when the Christmas vacation will be." Hanni said.

Minji ran her hands through her hair impatiently, "Pham, we can talk about that later." she growled as she pulled Hanni into her arms again. She felt very aroused right now and wanted to start round two with her wife.

"Minji..." Hanni protested but her lips were already silenced by Minji's lips, she gave in and hugged the taller woman's neck, kissing her just as passionately.

Hanni lay down and started to open her legs, she looked at Minji and smiled, spreading her arms, Minji immediately dived into her embrace, "I love you Pham."
She then kissed Hanni's whole body gently, concentrating on a few parts, the smaller woman let out a relentless moan.

"I want to be on top of you." Hanni wakes up and gently pushes Minji's chest so that the woman is lying on the bed.

Minji gave a small smile, she grasped Hanni's hand while the woman started to get into position, aiming her pussy hole at Minji's penis.

There was an excited knock on the door.

Hanni yelped in surprise and jumped onto Minji's body who quickly caught her. "What the fuck." Minji growled as she looked at the door which was now being knocked again.

"Could it be something really important?" came Hanni's voice, "I've already told Hyein to fire her if she dares to interrupt our alone time again." Minji said, Hanni gasped, "You can't do that baby, what if there's an accident or something important that can't be ruled out?"

Minji just shrugged her shoulders, she kissed Hanni again, "Let's keep going...", "No." Hanni gently pushed Minji's face, the knock sounded again, "We should open it, it might be important." she smiled.

The CEO sighed loudly, "We will continue this tonight Pham, I will make you cum many times, in various positions." she said as she got up from the bed irritably and got dressed.

"MINJI!" Hanni's face turned red.

Minji walked up to the door and opened it violently, "Hyein I'll fire you!" she snapped, she furrowed her brows when she saw Danielle jump back in shock from the doorstep and immediately hugged Haerin who was behind her.

Minji narrowed her eyes at the two of them, "What the hell are you doing here?" she growled, her eyes then focusing on Haerin who was grinning, "What are you doing? It's still 11 o'clock in the afternoon, tsk tsk tsk, your cock is really wild Minji." Haerin let out a small snort of laughter.

Danielle's eyes widened, "Oh my...are you guys doing..." she couldn't continue, "I'm sorry! I wanted to take you guys to lunch at the new restaurant that opened nearby, and Haerin said we could come into your office...

Then I said I'd just call Hanni since you guys weren't around, and Haerin showed me this room and asked me to knock on it..she said you guys were in here, but I didn't know that.." Danielle explained nervously and embarrassed.

Minji approached Haerin in a blink of an eye, she grabbed the collar of the woman's bomber jacket, "Crazy cat, I'll kill you!" she yelled, she got even more annoyed when Haerin just laughed out loud.

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