Her Darkest Scars

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Hanni comes out of the elevator humming, she made gimbap for breakfast this morning. There was still half an hour before work, she would take it to Danielle's room and have breakfast with her.

Lately she had been preoccupied with Minji's problems and she hadn't had much interaction with the Australian.

She wasn't going to lie, she missed her friend's high voice and cheerfulness.

Danielle must be busy putting on her makeup at this hour, maybe she could surprise her while she was putting on lipstick.

Hanni giggled and quickened her pace towards Danielle's room, she saw Ms. Kang standing next to the photocopier.

And Danielle had her arms wrapped around the COO's neck, and Haerin's arms were around her waist, holding her close.

They were kissing.



Hanni let out a loud gasp.

The uninvited voice took them both by surprise, Danielle immediately released her lips and looked around for the direction of the sound. The woman's lips were half-open and swollen, confusion clearly depicted on her face.

Haerin turned to Hanni, "Good morning Hanni." she smiled, still hugging Danielle who finally just looked down in shame and buried her face into Haerin's chest.

Hanni immediately bent ninety degrees, "I'M SORRY."

Haerin chuckled, "It's okay, we should have done it in my office."

Hanni widened her eyes.

"But Dani looks so adorable that I can't help myself." she kissed Danielle on the forehead.

Hanni's face turned red with embarrassment at the sight.

Haerin glanced at the package in Hanni's hand, "Are you going to have breakfast together?", Hanni nodded, "Yes, it's gimbap, I made it this morning. Do you want some Miss Kang?"

Haerin released her hug, "No, I'm fine, thank you." she then looked at Danielle softly, "I'm going to my room." she kissed her lips and started to walk away.

"Oh, Miss Kang!"

The woman stopped and turned around, "Yes Hanni?", "May I talk to you if you have some free time later?" Hanni stood up awkwardly, "It's about Miss Kim." she said again carefully.

Haerin furrowed her brows for a moment, "Of course." she smiled. Hanni bowed, "Thank you."

Danielle sat back in her chair when Haerin entered her room, her face still flushed.
"Are you guys dating now?" Hanni hurriedly approached her, she put her package on Danielle's desk and opened it.

"Uuhh yes."

"Oh my, that's good news." Hanni hugged Danielle tightly, she then started to unwrap the gimbap.

"So, is there any update on you? We should exchange stories since you already know about my relationship with Haerin...I mean Miss Kang." she said as she clasped her hands together, but then she made a sad face, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you but we just started dating a few days ago."

Hanni chewed her food, "It's okay Danielle. I.." she swallowed her gimbap, "Uh..I'm getting married in 10 days."

Danielle's gimbap fell off her chopsticks.

"Hanni, marriage is a sacred thing, don't make fun of it." Danielle scolded, staring at the Vietnamese's face, hoping her friend would suddenly laugh.

But Hanni kept a serious face.

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