And Above All, It Is You

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Haerin poked her head into Danielle's room, her fiancé was typing away on her laptop. The cat-eye approached slowly, she stood next to Danielle's chair, her eyes glanced at the screen, the Australian was composing an email.

"Baby." Haerin said cautiously, Danielle did not look up, or answer.
"I just finished the meeting, I've sent the contract renewal document with our supplier, can you finalize the wording before sending it to their leader?"

There was no answer.

"Uhmm, I have a reservation at your favorite restaurant later in the afternoon, can we talk about yesterday's matter… properly and nicely?"

Danielle pressed the Enter key hard, Haerin took a few steps back.
The Australian resumed typing.

Haerin gulped.


Danielle suddenly stood up, she tidied up the pile of documents on her desk and took them towards the copy room, Haerin followed her.
"At least give me some time to..."
"To what?" Danielle turned her body suddenly, "You had plenty of time to tell me everything, but instead of using it well you were, I don't know, delaying or thinking of not telling me?"

"I was going to tell you..."
"If you hadn't spoken out that night would you have told me?"

Danielle rolled her eyes, she then turned around, "I can't believe this." She said angrily as she continued her walk.
"Will you have lunch with me? Please?" Haerin pursued her.
"I will eat at the office cafeteria with Jin Sol."
"What?" Haerin's brows furrowed, "Our conversation is more important!"
Danielle stopped again, "Oh now you think it's important." She turned around and gave Haerin a sharp look.

"You took someone's life, that's a huge deal. What if something happens and people find out? Did you think of that?!" Danielle held her voice but still in a high tone.

"I...Minji took care of everything..."

Danielle scoffed.
"Then take her to lunch with you, marry her if you need to. And don't bother coming home later."
She walked quickly away from the cat-eye, "And don't follow me!"

Haerin stood dumbfounded, she then turned her body sluggishly.

I'll ask Hyein instead.


Hanni entered Minji's office carrying a cup of coffee, her eyes caught Hyein standing in front of the sofa, facing the CEO's desk.
"Oh Hyein, I didn't know you were here, would you like some coffee?" Hanni asked while placing the coffee cup on the table.

Hyein faced Hanni and bowed her head, "No thank you Miss Hanni."
Hanni smiled and walked over to Minji who was sitting in her chair, she kissed the taller one on the forehead.
"I have to check the monthly report this afternoon so I can't join you for lunch." Minji said as she stood up from her chair, she took a brown envelope from next to her laptop and stepped towards the sofa.

"It's okay, I'll just eat with Danielle." Hanni smiled softly, Minji smiled slightly and put the brown envelope on the sofa table, "Open it, it's for you." She said while looking at Hanni.
"For me?" Hanni took the envelope and opened it, there were several photos inside, Hanni took them out.

A startled look appeared on her face.

She glanced at Minji and the photos in turn, her eyes showing panic and astonishment.

There were two pictures that showed her and Hyein sitting together, one of which was her holding Hyein's hand. The other was when she was having a conversation with Eun Hye.

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