Love You In The Dark

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author here.

I apologize that for the next few days I won't be able to update as often as before.

I have a lot of assignments that I even have to do on weekends.

I will update again as soon as I have time.

Thank you and stay healthy.


Hanni felt warm.

She moved her hand, touched the other side of the bed and furrowed her brow when she feels the cold sheets. She opened her eyes, there was no one.

The warm feeling came from the blanket on her body.

Hanni raised her upper body, she was still in Minji's bed, but the owner was nowhere to be seen in the room.

She rubbed her eyes, then pulled back the blanket and got out of bed.
There was a faint sound from outside the room, there were people talking.

One of them was Minji's voice, Hanni didn't recognize the others.

She fixed her hair and opened the bedroom door.

Hyein immediately bowed when Hanni stepped out, "Miss Pham."
Hanni smiled, "Good morning Hyein.", her eyes caught a middle-aged woman sitting on the living room sofa who was now looking at her.

The woman immediately stood up and approached her, "Oh my, are you my baby's future wife?" she held Hanni's hand.

Oh shit, I haven't washed my face and brushed my teeth.

Hanni just smiled and bowed her head.

"Mom, I'm not a baby." Minji appeared from behind the woman, she walked slowly still holding the pain in her back.

"Go to the office and help Haerin." she said to Hyein, the tallest one bowed her head, she then bowed to Mrs. Kim and Hanni, and walked towards the elevator.

Minji hugged Hanni and kissed her forehead, "Play well for my mom, now clean your face and change your clothes." she whispered.

She then looked at Hanni with a cold look and a forced smile.

"Good morning Mrs. Kim, I apologize. I would have prepared myself if I knew you were coming." Hanni smiled at her.

She was silently grateful for her decision to accompany Minji last night. What would that woman say if she saw Hanni coming out of the guest bedroom?

"It's okay, I understand. Did Minji make you feel tired?" the woman winked.

Hanni chuckled awkwardly, she glanced at Minji, but the woman just looked at her expressionlessly.


"I brought you breakfast, and I came because I wanted to see Minji's chosen woman. And my husband was very excited that you were her choice, he was worried that Minji wouldn't give up her lifestyle.

But I'm confident that one day she will find someone who can change her and decide to get her life in order."

Mrs. Kim looked at Hanni softly, "It turns out you are the one, I'm very grateful." she grasped Hanni's hand tightly.

"Mom, let her clean herself up first." Minji said, her face looking very upset.

"I'll go to the bathroom first and rejoin you." Hanni bowed her head.
"We'll wait for you dear." Mrs. Kim smiled.


Minji sat on a chair and leaned her back carefully, Hanni placed a portion of grilled meat in front of her, along with rice and some perilla leaves.

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