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Haerin is an only child, the only love she knew was from her parents. But everything changed when they had an accident and she was adopted by Mr. Kim.

The man took care of her and gave her all sorts of things, but Haerin never really felt genuine affection from him.

With Minji she felt like she had a family, even if only for a moment.

Minji cared for her like a mother, telling corny jokes and Haerin would pretend to think it was funny to make Minjj happy. Sometimes she would defend her when some senior students would bully her, and they would back away in fear because Minji was the president of the Student Senate.

And she truly loved Minji as her sister, despite their Tom & Jerry-like relationship.

That's why, seeing Minji who just stood expressionlessly after hearing Ameera's request, made her heart feel strangled.

Why didn't Minji immediately defend her? Did Minji not respect her relationship with Dani?

Minji clenched her jaw at Ameera's request, "Kang Haerin already has a fiancé." she said then.

Ameera took a piece of Post-it and pen from the center of the meeting table, she then wrote something down and gave it to Minji, "This is the address of my penthouse, I will wait until 10pm." she said without paying attention to Minji's words.

She then took the agreement document from Minji's hand and leaned on the edge of the table, "Our conversation ends here."


Their journey back to the hotel felt long even though the city traffic was very smooth. No one said anything, all lost in their own thoughts.

Haerin clenched her fists, glancing at Minji who was staring out the window. She really wanted to beat her sister up when she saw Minji take the post-it with Ameera's address and put it in her coat pocket.

They arrived at the hotel, Minji immediately got out of the car and walked quickly into the lobby, Hyein and Haerin following behind her.

"Why did you take that paper?" Haerin spewed her anger when they had entered the elevator, Hyein tapped the room card and pressed the 17th floor, the elevator immediately moved up smoothly.

Minji didn't answer her, she just kept her head up, focusing on the digital numbers that changed with the floor level.

"Are you really going to consider her offer?!" Haerin brought her body closer to Minji. Hyein was on full alert, she didn't want the two sisters to suddenly fight in the elevator.

There was a soft clanking sound, and the elevator doors opened silently, Minji immediately got out and stepped towards their room.
Hyein ran a little ahead of her, she then tapped her card against the doorknob and opened it immediately when the little green light came on.

Hyein let Minji in first and waited for Haerin to reach the door and enter the room.

The cat-eye suddenly ran up to Minji, she turned the CEO's body roughly and grabbed her by the collar of her coat, "Say something! You've been silent all along!!!" she shouted.

"Miss Kang." Hyein immediately closed the door and approached them, Minji raised her hand and Hyein stopped.

"Minji..." Haerin began to tremble, "Are you really just going to think about that damn agreement?"
Minji looked at her but still said nothing, Haerin released her grip, "You bastard..."

"Aren't you going to consider me and Dani's feelings?" Haerin's eyes glazed over, overwhelming disappointment and anger filling her heart.

The two sisters locked eyes.

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