After The Party

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Minji stares at the two men carrying Han Woo's lifeless body to the back building to be dissolved in a large vat of acid, she takes a drag on her cigarette.

She checked her watch, it was 9pm now. Haerin approached her, she had changed her clothes, "You should go home, Hanni must be waiting for you." she gave Minji a bottle of Soju.

Minji took the bottle, "You go home first with Haerin, I'll wait for Jin Sang, he's on his way. I sent Han here, I'll go home with him later."

Hyein approached them and bowed, "They said it will take 3-4 days to clean up everything, including deciphering the body." she said.

"Make sure no traces are left behind, and give an extra bonus to each of them. Tell them to burn this house down too." Minji looked at them, "Thank you." she said.

Haerin and Hyein gaped in confusion.

Kim Minji said thank you?

Minji took her phone from her pants pocket and checked it.

07:58 pm
Are you okay? I haven't heard from you all day. Don't forget to eat, I'll be waiting for you.

07:58 pm
I love you Minji.

09:01 pm
I'm doing fine, I've already eaten. I'll be home before dawn.

She stuffed her phone back into her pants, staring at her blood-soiled shirt.

I'm a murderer.

But I don't regret it.

But what will Hanni think if she tells her later?

"What will happen after this?" Haerin took the cigarette case from Minji's jacket pocket, "There won't be anything, that bastard's true colors have already been exposed, and people will probably assume he disappeared or committed suicide out of shame. His family won't dare to look for him either, it's a big disgrace Haerin."

Minji threw her cigarette butt on the ground and stomped on it, "Life will go on." she exhaled the last of her smoke.

"What about you?"
Minji stared far ahead, "I have no regrets, he deserved to die. I'm just thinking about how to tell Hanni about this."

"Do you think she'd be happy if she knew that bastard was dead?" Haerin lit her cigarette.
"I...don't know."

She then rubbed her hair, "Go home Haerin, Danielle is probably worried right now."
Haerin exhaled the smoke, "She'll be fine." she replied, she then glanced at Hyein, "This giraffe is the one to worry about, she's dating a deer with a dragon personality."

Hyein was silent, her brows furrowed slightly.

Yoona hadn't contacted her since she sent her a message this afternoon. She sighed.

"Well, me and Hyein will leave now, you be careful on your way." she then spread her arms, "Sisterly hug?" she grinned.

Minji looked at her expressionlessly, "No." she said coldly.

Haerin pouted, "You're cruel. Let's go Hyein." she said while heading for their car.

Hyein bowed to Minji, "I take my leave Miss, be careful on your way home." she then followed Haerin.

Minji told her two bodyguards to go with them.

Her eyes then looked back at the house, suddenly feeling regretful.

I should have tortured him until he was dying..I shouldn't have killed him right away.
But I lost control because of his words.

She closed her eyes.

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