The Last Note

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Hello everyone,
author here.

I'm working on the last part, hopefully it will be posted in the first week of January (or the second week). The last month of the year was very hard for me, I had some serious issues and they pretty much shut me down for more than two weeks. But luckily everything was resolved well, and I was able to continue writing.

But since this is the last chapter, I wanted to make it longer, and more special (I heard you guys), so please bear with me.

And it was a hard decision for me to end this, because this is my first bbangsaz story with a pretty heavy storyline. With drama and conflict that pushed my brain to work harder. I felt that I had enough chapters and decided to end it because I didn't want this story to become convoluted and deviate from its original purpose.

I honestly had a dilemma at the beginning of writing this story, I saw the readers' response and I kept asking myself, should I continue this? But I'm glad that I finally did.

And honestly Minji was the most fun character to write, but the most challenging, because of the incredible amount of hate she got (my poor bear). But Hanni saved her.

Their real-life relationship will always have a special place in my heart.

Well, I guess this is it, I have to continue the last part.

And at the end of this year I would like to say a big thank you to my readers and followers. You are the biggest supporters of my work. I hope we will stay together next year, I will always try to give you the best stories.

See you in I Wanna Fix You: The Sequel!
And...I'm thinking of keeping the giraffe and the deer, but there will be modifications in their personalities. Do you guys agree?

Happy New Year Bunnies, may 2024 bring more blessings and happiness to us all.

Oh one more thing, my lovely and sweet friend Amariaaw will be my regular editor. Please give lots of love to her and her works too.

Thank you, stay healthy, stay sane.

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