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A dream wedding.

Everyone has their own idea of a perfect wedding, a wedding that suits their tastes and personalities. It could be whether they do it on a beach, on a garden, in a church, at home or at any other place that they find meaningful. Motif can vary from all sorts of idea: old fashioned, futuristic, color coordinated and such.

No matter what it is, all I can say is that the one I'm having now is certainly not my dream wedding.

The wedding itself is grand but is also very exclusive. Only family members and quite a few important people were invited which I am actually thankful for. Though I did choose to go through with this marriage myself, having to go around to publicize it would just be plain nightmare.

As soon as the music started playing, I also started walking down the aisle. Every pair of eyes were looking at me, smiles plastered on their faces. Each and every smile that they give to me might be their way to congratulate me but it only made me feel pressured, nervous of what's to come. Not wanting to go deeper into the thought, I avoided their gaze and kept my eyes to look straight ahead towards the platform where the man I'm going to be wedded with was standing, patiently waiting for me. I looked at him from head to toe and he does indeed look dashing with his white suit and pants that was specifically made to be paired with my own beautifully created white wedding dress.

When I got near, he stepped his foot down the platform and reached out his hand to me in which I took in return. Now that I got a closer look at him, I could say that he is pleasing to the eyes. It has been over a year since we last saw each other but he still looks as good as before. Though for some reason I just can't seem to understand, something feels... different. It is still him, but his aura is not the same. Having all of this information in my mind has made start to overthink things and not a good idea to entertain right now. I must focus on my task and not disappoint these people.

The ceremony went smoothly. We mingled with our friends and family throughout the reception. People danced to the music, others sat back on their chairs to enjoy the food, others took their time to socialize. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves with the exception of the bride and the groom, though that fact might only be visible only to my eyes. I can't say that Fah was being rude, it was actually the opposite. He was being so nice and caring, taking care of me and providing me with all the things that I could possibly need or want but aside from that there was nothing. Unless I initiate talking to him or whenever he would ask me for something that I might want or need, he was pretty much silent. He is certainly smiling but his eyes express something else. 

Some might say that I'm totally imagining it but, this man beside me seems very different from the one that I met a year ago.

~~ flashback ~~

I stepped out of the car along with my purse in one hand while the other being held by my driver as support. I made sure to thank him before I head inside where I was greeted by one of the staff.

"I have a reservation under Mr. Chankimha" I informed him.

"Ms. Armstrong?" He replied, asking for confirmation. I simply nodded in return.

"This way ma'am" he said as he led me towards the elevator. Upon exiting the lift, we went straight down the corridor to the room at the end of the hall. He knocked twice before slightly opening the door.

"Sir, your guest has arrived." 

"Thank you!" I heard someone respond to him from inside the room. He nodded then looked back at me. He opened the door further and motioned for me to head inside the room. I did and thanked him as I passed by and was welcomed by the bright smile of the man that's now in front of me. Once inside, he greeted us goodbye while informing us that our waiter would arrive shortly before finally closing the door as he leaves.

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