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Awkward. If there was a word to describe our first car ride together, that would be it. We have been in this car for almost half an hour and none of us still has uttered a single word.

Very contrary to the way he acted on our first meeting, he is now exuding cold aura. He has this stoic facial expression glued to his face, but to me, it looked more like he was tense. It's as if he was... afraid. 

He's slightly leaning forward, he was so fixated on the road, looking through the windshield in such a way that any kind of movement or action will not pass by without being caught by his fierce eyes, while his knuckles seemed to have turned pale due to his tight grip to the steering wheel.

I was about to ask him if he was alright and whether or not there was a problem when I was suddenly reminded of the things that had happened a year ago.

~~ flashback ~~

"Done!"  I said as I closed the laptop with all my school works finally finished. It's been quite a week, hectic to say the least. On top of all the paper works that I needed to pass to school, I still had to worry about the marriage deal with the Chankimha.

After our first meeting, I tried to push all thoughts about it aside and school provided a good excuse to do it. I managed to divert all of my attention to the problem at hand and not on the man that I'm supposed to marry, but that can only do so much. I can try all sort of ways to avoid the topic but it doesn't mean that it's not happening. Delaying will not change the inevitable.

I hesitated a little but still reached for my phone and dialed the number listed first on my record of recent calls. It didn't take that long before a loud, bright voice I'm too familiar with answered. "BECKY!"

"Hey Irin"

Irin has been my best friend since childhood. We first met during our elementary days; she stood up for me against all the mean kids who made fun of me. She always has. She's always there whenever I need her and I do my best to do the same for her.

"Have you finally finished your work?" She asked excitedly. She has been trying over and over again to get me to hang out with her which I know is her way of telling me to spill the beans regarding my marriage and the man I'm promised to. Amongst all our friends, she's the first and only one that I told the news about. She got quite mad but still understood and accepted my decision in the end.

I have been able to avoid her version of an interrogation for quite a while, which can be considered as a miracle with how little patience she got, but I have finally run out of excuses. I wouldn't be surprised if she would one day just burst into my room and demand details.

"Yeah" I said. "Finished it just now" I informed her.


"I'll be there in five" She hung up the phone as quickly as she answered. Having to live next door certainly has its perks.

"I've waited long enough so you better tell me everything and I mean EVERYTHING!" She said all this as she opened and closed the door, marched her way across the room and sat on my bed right in front of me who's still seated down on my chair. I only shook my head and smiled in amusement. I do love her but she can be quite childish and overwhelming sometimes.

I don't know how long we've been talking, more like Irin interrogating me, when someone knocked on the door causing us to look that way. "Becky, your dad needs to talk to you" I heard my mom call out. I look at Irin and she simply nodded. I went to open the door where my mom was waiting for me.

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