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Seeing how Freen started panicking with the idea of possibly being caught, the last thing I wanted was to let her out of my sight but that's not really an option right now. Apparently, Dad wanted some boy's time and Mom wanted some girl's time leaving us with no choice but to fend for ourselves for the time being. Not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention from my family. We got dressed and immediately went downstairs, where we went our separate ways.

As soon as I reached the kitchen, Mom and Mai immediately welcomed me with a smile on their faces and I can feel my heart beating faster and faster. Did we really got caught? That fast? I mean, we've only been her for less than 4 hours. "That was fast" Mai commented, making me look towards her. "I was so sure that you would take longer than that" she added, seemingly disappointed. "They're not like the two of you you know" mom replied to her in a slightly teasing tone. "Why? Is the honeymoon phase already over?" Mai turned to me once again. Now I know that she's teasing. I was confused but now understand what they're talking about and I can feel blood rushing to my face. "Awww, that's so cute" she exclaimed. "She's blushing Mom" she teased even more and I can't help but wish for a place to hide myself, be somewhere else other than here. "Stop teasing your sister Mai" mom scolder her. "It's not their fault if they can't keep their hands off of each other" she stated making me snap my head in her direction. "MOM!" I whined, my voice slightly higher than normal. I thought mom was going to take my side, not add to the teasing. "Don't worry Bec, I understand. Just make sure to keep your voices to a minimum tonight" she told me ever so calmly it left me utterly shocked. I honestly don't know how I'm going to react to that. Upon seeing my reaction, Mai and Mom burst out laughing. I stomped my feet and turned around to leave the two of them but Mom stopped me, I was actually angry because they were making fun of me but mostly embarrassed. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry Bec. We'll stop teasing you now" mom promised as she apologized. "We just can't help but find the two of you so cute" Mai added. I was thinking of keeping up with the act of being angry just to find an excuse to leave and go to Freen but I got reminded that I still need to know whether or not Mom actually caught us so I pushed the thought aside and stayed. Mom, then, told us to finish with preparing all the necessary things and ingredients for the dinner that we would be cooking and I complied.

From the kitchen, where I am now, there is an entryway made of glass where we can easily access the garden, meaning that I can actually see Freen, Richie and Dad from here. I can tell that they are talking but I can't actually hear what they were talking about. Freen actually has her back on me so I cannot see her facial expression but I can easily see Dad's and Richie's and with the way they look now, I think that I can safely assume that everything is still okay. Everything's fine.

"You really like him, don't you?" Mom suddenly asked me making me bring all my attention to her. I looked around the room and found Mai nowhere. "Your sister went to the restroom" she informed me, understanding my action since Richie and Mai wasn't aware of the deal. They actually thought that Fah and I got married out of love. "You really do like him, don't you?" she repeated as if I didn't hear her the first time and I was silent. I don't really know what to tell her. I do want to tell her that yes I do like him, the only problem is that she's not actually a him but a her. Still, how am I supposed to tell her that. I know that I can simply answer with a yes but it actually makes me feel guilty knowing that I am, intentionally or not, deceiving them in a way. "Bec, you can try to lie but it will never work. You wear your heart on your sleeves" mom stated after some time that I didn't answer. "Is it really that obvious?" I asked her. I was actually curious and Mom simply nodded her head. "Is it bad that I like him?" I asked as casually as I could. "Do you think that it's bad?" mom asked in return and that actually caught me off guard. "No" I answered despite me wanting to say yes because when you look at things technically, legally and logically, we shouldn't be together. "I told him I like him and he told me he like me too" I admitted to her wishing that I could tell her more. "Then why do you look so sad?" she asked as she took notice of the sad tone in my voice. I was actually hesitating and deliberating of what to say next. "Because I don't just like him, I love him. But I don't know if he feels the same" I said after deciding to simply tell her how I truly feel. Yes, Freen has told me that she liked me too and yes, we have kissed but I don't really know if she loves me. I also can't bring myself to ask her because I am actually afraid of what her answer could be. "Are you sure about what you feel about him?" mom asked and for a moment there, I actually got the feeling that she was implying to something more.

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