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I woke up even before my alarm went off. I am pretty excited that I was pretty much up all night waiting for the time to pass by and finally start the day.

Today is the day that Freen is coming back home. I have been trying to contact her but she hasn't been replying much. As time went by, her response grew less and less frequent, making me think that something might have happened to her but every time that ask whether she's sick or if there was a problem, she would simply tell me no, that everything's alright and that I don't need to worry. I did try to believe her but I can't help but worry.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower as my excitement just keeps on rising higher and higher. Within the next hour, I was ready. I took my bag that I have already prepared beforehand and went down to, once again, say goodbye to my family and move back to our house. I bid my farewell to my family as they saw me out of the house. I was about to head towards the car when this unfamiliar guy came to me and reached out to take my things. He's not our driver so I'm certain that he works for the Chankimha but this is the first time that I've seen him. "Are you new? What's your name?" I asked the guy curiously. What he did next kind of surprised me. He stopped what he was doing and stood up straight right in front of me. "My name is Som ma'am. I only started a week ago ma'am. Sir Ritt has been moved to a different location" he informed me, looking like a soldier in front of a high-ranking officer, it made me feel bad for him and a little amused at the same time. "Alright then, you don't have to be so formal. Ease up a little" I told him, earning a few snickers from my family that was still behind me. "Thank you, ma'am" he said. He seems a little more relax now but obviously still on guard. Well, that's good as well, I guess.

I gave one last goodbye with hugs and kisses to my family as Som took care of my things, placing them in the back of the car that was sent to pick me up. He informed me that we were ready to go as soon as I was done and I barely kept myself from running towards the car and drive myself there. If I knew how to drive, I may have done so.

The entire ride felt so much longer than it actually took. I tried to keep myself preoccupied with the scenery outside but my mind just keeps drifting back to that certain someone that has invaded and refused to leave my mind for the past two months. I am truly excited; I can't wait to see her again but there's this ominous feeling that I just can't seem to push aside. I don't want to think negatively, especially during such a special day but... 

I shook my head a little aggressively in the hopes that it will be enough to keep the unpleasant thought away. I tried to focus on the positive and that's seeing Freen again after such a long time. Just thinking about it automatically brought a smile to my face.

Feeling giddy and elated, I alight the car the moment that the we stopped in front of the house.  I immediately started walking towards the door, when I got closer, I saw someone standing on the front porch seemingly waiting for my arrival. At first, I thought that it was Anya but now that I took a good look at her, it's someone else. "Good morning, madam" the lady greeted me. She seems to be a little younger than Anya but she looks just as professional. I wonder where Anya is, why isn't she the one welcoming me home?

"Good morning" I greeted back. "Uhm... you are?" I asked cautiously. I truly am curious now, first Ritt now Anya. Is everyone I know not around? "I apologize for the late introduction" she said as she bows her head. "My name is Patt, I will be the head maid for the time being" she said, finally introducing herself. 

New head maid? but that's Anya's job. If she's the new head maid, then where is Anya? "What happened to Anya?" I asked, concerned. Anya was my one friend in this house. She's the one who gave me company and kept me from being lonely in this house, especially during those times that Freen and I wasn't close. "Ms. Anya has been transferred to a different location" Patt answered indifferently. Anya was transferred, so was Ritt. Is this simply a coincidence? I don't to overthink but the situation seems to be a little suspicious. "Do you know where she is now?" I really want to know where she is right now. "I'm sorry madam but I don't know" was her answer. I don't need to know if she was lying or not because even if she does know where Anya is, I doubt that she will tell me. I thanked her before proceeding inside, taking with me the thought that I will finally see Freen again.

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