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I jumped on my bed exhausted, not physically but more mentally. Although today is indeed a lot of fun, it was also equally frustrating.

'We haven't seen each other in five months and you actually dared to act like we never knew each other!' I screamed inside my mind. Still, deep down I knew that it would be like this. It's not like I don't understand, it's just that I feel like I have to vent somehow or else I'm gonna explode. Seeing her felt good, amazing even, but it was simply pure torture to not be able to touch her or be near her just like the way we used to be. I really wish there is some kind of a way to magically fix everything and we'll all still be happy with none of the complications that could follow.

Just then, a notification sound brought me out of my thoughts and made me divert my attention towards my phone that now has its lights on, illuminating around my dark room that was close to pitch black. Lazily, I pushed myself up and sat on the bed before reaching out to my phone to see what it was about, but mostly just to get myself distracted enough to somehow appease to my raging heart and mind.

'It's nice to see us complete again' was the first thing that I saw on my notification box and I quickly tapped on it to open.

All of a sudden, I felt my breath hitched. I had to focus on my breathing and remind myself to not stop when the very first photo that greeted me was one of Freen's. She was seated gorgeously on her wheelchair, her silky long black hair falling down perfectly behind her, that amazingly nice and comfy looking attire of her that consist of a simple shirt and loose pants, seemingly existing for the sole purpose of her usage, those pair of lovely eyes that seem to twinkle, that wide smile of hers that occupies her face, but most of all, it's that energy around her, the happiness that is evident to her facial expression. All of these combined simply makes her even more beautiful and truly stand out.

Not even bothering to look at the rest of the picture, I quickly sent P'Nam a heartfelt thank you. Though it was mostly just for this one particular picture, but she didn't have to know that.

Once I've already sent my appreciation, I quickly saved the photo on my phone. I am very tempted to put it as my wallpaper but decided against it and kept it in a secret folder instead, separated from everything else. I put it together with the photos of her that I took secretly before and the photos we took together during our vacation and our apparently first and last date. 

With that done, I went back to the group chat to check the rest of the pictures. There was one picture with all the boys only, arms linked on each other's shoulder and a wide grin visible on their faces. Another one with all the girls this time, Freen was placed in the middle, Nam and Toey on each of her sides, behind them was Irin, Noey and me. We all had a smile on our faces but I can see that there was a hint of nervousness on my face. Next was a picture of everyone present, the boys and the girls, all obviously having a good time. There were a lot more that was mostly consisting of group photos, some individual photos and other couple photos, there are even some stolen shots every once in a while. All taken from a different angle each time but with only one thing not changing, it's the happiness that was evident to each one. I did save the pictures, some because I truly liked them while some was just so I could avoid suspicion.


Breakfast was basically the same as before but I can't help but feel like there's something weird. Fah is more talkative than usual and he talks a lot about Freen. There were times that he would ask about my opinion with regards to her sister which seriously took me aback. I mean, how am I supposed to give any kind of advice related to his sister, whom I am truly in love with, without being bias and possibly exposing myself making all our efforts so far go to waste. Like, seriously, how?

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