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"I honestly thought that it was you" Noey said as she put down her drink on the table. "I must have been missing you a lot to mistake Fah with you" I can see that she was embarrassed with her confession. "It's ok, Noey. Mom and Dad must have been really strict with the visitation" I said as I push aside the guilt that I'm feeling. 

How could I not feel guilty when she's the one who's actually right. I still remember that night that I saw her in that bar. I acted like I didn't see her and focused my attention on tending to Becky in the hopes that I don't get found out. I even avoided them when they tried to have some time to talk to me using the excuse of the partnership with the company.

"Strict is an understatement" Toey commented, she seemed... amused and scared at the same time. "The only ones allowed to visit you were Fah and your parents. NO. ONE. ELSE." she must have been hurt because of that but I can't really blame them if they were. They've been my only friends since forever and suddenly cutting them out was indeed very hurtful but we also had to do what we had to do. I'll just have to make it up to them. "Why were they super strict anyway?" Irin asked. I have heard of Irin from all of Becky's story and met her only once during the bar incident as well, but this will be our very first official meeting which is actually a big help with my pretending of not knowing her. I just need to not slip any details.

"Their parents have always been really protective of the two. Fah is even more protective of her sister so we do kind of understand that they'll want to make sure that there will be no hindrance to her recovery" Noey explained to her girlfriend and it actually made me feel a little relieved to know that they understand and that they are not really angry. "Yeah! I do understand but, YOU HAVE A LOT OF MAKING UP TO DO" Toey said in mock anger towards me and I couldn't help but laugh. I miss this. I miss having them around. They have always been the ones that I could always count on so having to stay away from them for an entire year was another kind of torture for me. "Don't worry about that! I promise to make it all up to you guys" I promised and they gave me a smile in response. 

Everyone was enjoying our own drinks when a loud lively voice was suddenly heard. "Everyone! I have someone to introduce to you" Nam announced with her loud voice echoing inside the place, attracting everyone's attention in result. I was about to turn around when I saw Irin stood up from her seat and yelled "Bec!"

Upon the realization of who has arrived, I froze. It has been so long since the last time that we saw each other and I don't think I'm ready to face her. The image of her looking lovingly towards Fah is still engraved in my mind that the pain has already cut too deep for too long that it was no longer painful but numb. I took a deep breath to pull myself together. I've already endured so much just to crumble now. 'Act natural Freen. She's family and this is going to be the first time you will meet each other. This is not even going to be the last, this is going to be just the start. She's going to be part of your daily life now, just not the way you want her to be so you better do it normally like you did with Irin. You can do it!' I thought to myself before once again listening to Nam's voice.

"Right next to Noey is Toey" I heard Nam say then I saw Toey bow her head a little with her gaze forward. "And this right here is my favorite person amongst everyone" she said as I suddenly felt someone took hold of the handles of my wheelchair and turned it around, making me face the very same person I've longed to see but eagerly avoided all this time. I scanned the people quickly and saw Becky right in front of me. Just a step behind her was Fah who was smiling at me happily and behind him was his three friends Non, Heng and Chin. "This is my favorite person in the world, Freen" Nam introduced me to her.

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