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'We're coming over today' was the first message that I read the moment I opened my phone as soon as I woke up. It was from Mom and there was no other message apart from this one. Usually, she would tell me or explain to me what we'll do or what I have to do but this one is pretty clear yet vague at the same time. She simply told me that they are coming here with no other explanation and it's really making me nervous for some reason. Have I done something wrong? Was there some sort of a problem that occurred while I was out partying last night?

'That just sounded incredibly irresponsible right now' I thought to myself. I hope that everything is alright.

Thinking about last night once again brought back that certain memory of having my back pushed to the door and a pair of soft lips invading and devouring my very own. I cursed myself for letting my mind wander to that particular memory for I don't know how many times already. 

It appears that there's a much more pressing matter as of the moment and I should go and address it. Hopefully it's nothing serious.

I pushed myself off the bed, ignoring the throbbing pain I'm feeling right now. 'I really should stop drinking recklessly' I scolded myself. I let myself be woken up by the ice-cold water under the shower head and picked decent and comfortable clothes from my closet before finally heading out to talk to Fah and tell him about Mom wanting to come over.

I found him in the living room, fidgeting with his phone. He actually seemed anxious, more anxious than me, if one would to ask. 'Did something serious really happened last night?' I thought. "Fah" I called out and I was shocked to see him get shocked by it. "Hey, Becca" he greeted me, still looking a little shaky "Sorry I didn't notice you arrive. Have you been there long?" he asked, though he did seem concerned and genuine with his words, his thoughts seem to be being occupied by something else. "No" I answered. "I just got here" I added as I start to walk towards him. "I apologize that we didn't wake you up this morning" he started as he stood up, putting his phone inside his pocket. Now that I got to actually look at him, he's kind of dressed differently. I cannot really tell how I knew but I just know it. This is not his normal attire when staying at home but it's also not his usual attire when heading to work. "I know that you also had a couple of drinks last night so I thought that you might need the extra time to sleep" he explained to me. "It's ok, I do appreciate the gesture" was my only answer. I really did appreciate the gesture

"Anyway, are you ready now?" he asked as he looked at my attire. "Ready for what?" I was confused. Did we have a prior engagement that I've forgotten. "Your parents are already on their way here, right? I assumed your parents have told you" he answered, slightly panicking. "Mom did tell me that they are coming over" I admitted and he seemed kind of relief to know that he didn't spoil something. I wonder what it is that they know but I don't. He nodded. "Good" he exclaimed. "My parents are also on their way so they should be here soon" he informed me as he took a look at his watch. "Go ahead and take a seat, I'll have Patt prepare some food for you" he informed me as he started heading towards the kitchen. "I don't think lunch will be an option later and I don't want you to starve so it's best that you eat now before they arrive" he continued, not really waiting for a response.

I am grateful for the attention but I really can't help but sense that there is something wrong. He's acting somehow differently and it's only making me even more anxious. It's really not helping my wandering mind at the moment. After a few minutes, Fah came back with a plate of food. "Here" he said as he put the plate in front of me. "I had Patt save that for you just in case and it's a good thing that I did" he added. "Go ahead and eat" he urged "You're gonna need it" it was more of a whisper but I managed to hear it and that only made me feel even more suspicious. Like, why am I going to need it. Is there something happening? Are we gonna do something?

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