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Lying down on my bed, I stared at the ceiling of my room as I think of what to do. Fah's changing behavior has made me mind his presence whenever he's home, breakfast has become even more awkward for me as I find myself observing him more often, watching his every move, not wanting to be caught off guard with his actions. I was extremely aware of him, especially whenever he's within close proximity.

Ding. The sound notification from my phone echoed in my room indicating a message being received. I checked to know who it was from and it was from Irin. We have continued to send messages to each other but I haven't really been that active. Unless she messages me first, I didn't really made time to message her first, mostly because I didn't really know what to tell her. She knows about the arranged marriage thing but I never really told her anything about my living arrangements and the interactions between me and Fah, partly because I didn't want her to worry but mostly because secrecy is part of the contract. We have to keep the façade of a happy, loving husband and wife.

'You're coming tonight, right?'

Tonight? what's happening tonight? I don't remember...... Ah! That's right. It was about a week ago when Irin invited me to a get together with our friends from college. They've been inviting me for quite some time now but I always managed to find ways to decline, but this time I felt kind of guilty for keeping distance that I felt compelled to agree and that's what I did. I was so out of it that I've completely forgotten all about it. Now I have to get ready for a wave of question and answer that I know will be directed to me. As if the confusion I have now is not enough, I'll also have to deal with all these curious tattletales. They do know their limit but that doesn't really help me feel any better. 'Yeah, I'll be there' I replied despite the dilemma, knowing that the distraction is what I need right now, badly.

I pushed myself off the bed and was about to head to my closet to pick of what clothes to wear when I remembered that I still haven't told Fah about this. I stopped on my track to give myself another silent scolding.

I went back to my bed where I left my phone, I took it and opened my messages with Fah. Honestly, I've talked to him via messages more than in person. If not for informing each other of our schedules or discussing about the rules, I don't think we'll even talk at all. The interactions during the parties doesn't count, they're all acting anyway. Even then he was the one doing all the talking.

'I'm going out with my friends tonight. We're going to a bar we frequently go to. I'll be home before midnight'

I texted him in one go, telling him all the details that I think he needed to know. I don't really have the desire to elongate the conversation, if you can consider it as one. I put my phone down on top of my bed side table, then proceeded to my closet to continue my previously stopped agenda.

I was about to put down my chosen clothes on my bed when I heard the familiar chime of my phone.

'Ok. Take the card I gave you. Treat your friends'

I read the message but didn't answer. I don't want to lie to him saying that I would when I don't really have any intention of using it anyway. I was about to resume in getting ready when another message came.

'Use it. Don't just take it with you.'

I looked around the room, alarmed. How did he know that? Does he have some kind of listening device installed in my room or perhaps a hidden camera? But I never said anything, so it's impossible for anyone to hear me. Is he reading my mind?

Just then, another message was received.

'I'll know if you don't'

Seriously. What's with this guy. Will it kill him if I end up not ever using the card that he gave me? Will it hurt him if I never accept his money? Is it a matter of pride or just image? Well, if he wants to spend his money that bad, I might as well do as he says. Just don't blame me when you get the bill later on, though I doubt he'll even spare a second to take a look at it.

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