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"Hello" Fah answered immediately after the first ring as if he was waiting for it. "Fah" he heard Becky. "Where are you?" Becky asked carefully as she sat down on the couch right next to me. She has set the phone call in speaker mode so I could listen too. "I'm already on my way home" he revealed. "I just thought that you two would want some time together and my presence is not really needed at the moment" there was a hint of teasing in his voice but I'd rather ignore it. "Thank you for bringing her here Fah" I thanked him sincerely. "Anything for you sis" he answered, his voice soft and sincere. "You know that I want you to be happy and that I will do whatever it takes to keep that smile on your face" he said it like a promise and I know that he's telling the truth because I would also do the same for him. "Thanks Fah" I replied "You know that I want the same for you, right?" I asked, hoping that it will remind him of how much he means to me. "How could I ever forget when you basically remind me with everything that you do" he retorted and it really got me to smile. "Love you sis" he added. "Love you too" I replied. "Uh... Excuse me... I'm right here" Becky chimed in, making Fah and I chuckle. "Love you too, future sis" was what he said to Becky before ending the call.

With the call ended, Becky put the phone down on the table before pulling back, putting a space between us and crossing her arms across her chest. "Why are you sulking? What happened?" I asked even though honestly, I kind of know why she's being like this. "What about me?" she's really sulking now and I'm feeling kind of guilty for it. "I love you the most" I said and she finally showed me that beautiful smile of hers again. "Promise?" she smiled. "Promise" and I meant it. 

Suddenly, a thought came to mind and I stood up abruptly. "Come on" I said as I reached out my hands towards Becky, showing a grin. "What..?" she asked, confused. "We still have some time before dark" I said. "Let's go and watch the sunset" I explained and slowly, a smile also appeared to her face. Nodding enthusiastically, she took my hand in agreement and we made our way to that hill.

We spent the next hour in silence, it was a silent moment full of content and happiness knowing that the one person I am with is the same person I want to be with. After all that we've been through and all the things that I've put her through, she still chose to be with me and love me with all her heart. She's someone who is way more than amazing and knowing that makes me feel like she deserves way more than I could ever provide. I have caused her a lot of pain and I will do whatever it takes to make it up to her. Even if it takes my whole life.

Before heading back inside, we spent some time walking along the shore. Holding her hand and enjoying each other's company under the mesmerizing moonlight.


It must be the way the moonlight hits her skin. It must be the way that she smiles peacefully, seemingly satisfied. It must be the softness in her eyes as she holds my gaze. It must be the fact that we now know the truth and that nothing's getting in our way. It must be the silence of the night with only the sound of the waves crashing to the shore creating an ambiance that's incredibly romantic on its own. Well, I don't know nor do I really care, because right here, right now, the only thing that matters for me is that she's here with me and that we are happy, finally.

Looking at her really makes me realize even more how perfectly amazing she is, how incredibly stunning she is and how magnificently beautiful she truly is as a person. I truly feel blessed to have her and be hers.

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