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The sound of my alarm woke me up from my sleep. Irritated, I reached out for my phone to quickly turn it off. I tossed and turned on the bed as I cover myself up with a blanket, refusing to start the day. Now that I think about it, I'm actually quite surprised that I managed to sleep here comfortably, I must have been exhausted yesterday.

Even now, I still can't shake away the feeling that the Fah that I've met yesterday is very different to the Fah that I've met before, though I somehow understand. The accident must have really left an impact in his life.

Still, I can't seem to figure out why he's being aloof and cold. Does that mean that he's also forced to this marriage? But if I remember correctly, he was the one who asked for my hand in marriage. His actions are really contradicting.

Oh well. I will never know unless I ask him, which is something that will not happen. At least not anytime soon. Despite the fact that he is being cold, he's still being logical and generous about the situation so I guess that's something that I should be thankful for. I should just look at this positively and count my blessings instead of looking at the downside of things. As of now, the good still tops the bad.

Nevertheless, my duties await. I pushed myself off the bed and dragged myself towards the shower, hoping for the cold water to spark the alertness I so badly needed right now.

After the freezing cold shower that woke me to the very core, I dried myself with a towel and blew my hair dry. I threw on a simple pink shirt and shorts, I didn't really feel like dressing up knowing that I would be left to tend the house alone all day long.

I put my dirty clothes to the bin, cleaned after my own mess and even fixed the bed just so I could somehow prolong and enjoy the comfort I am feeling in this room. The comfort of not having to deal with anything but myself.

Once I'm all cleaned and dressed up, I willed myself to leave the room and face the new life I'm going to live.

I walked through the empty hall, down the stairs, across the living room before finally arriving to my destination. 

Upon entering the kitchen, I found Fah already seated, holding his phone with both hands doing something I'm neither eager enough nor curious enough to care about. The table was already set and the food was already waiting. I somehow felt guilty so I immediately went to sit on the chair to his right. Once I managed to fix myself on the chair, Fah also put his phone down and cued for us to start eating. I waited for him to get some food on his plate before I went ahead and took some for myself.

Our meal was pretty much silent until he broke the silence when he started talking to me. "I forgot to tell you last night" he said after swallowing his food and taking a sip of water.

"I want you to update me and tell me the itinerary of your day, every day. Always give me a heads up to your plans especially if you ever plan on leaving the house. I need to know your whereabouts, your activity and the people you are with." He said all this while keeping his eyes on his plate. "I will also do the same to make things fair." He put his utensils down and pushed his phone towards me. "Put your number in" He commanded as he took something from his inner pocket. I did and gave it back to him.

"And here" said he as he handed me a black card after taking his phone from my hand and putting it inside his inner pocket. "I expect you to use this for whatever it is that you need or want." I took the card from him and looked at it. 

"Stop using your old cards and just use this." He lifted the spoon and fork again to continue his meal.

"The amount doesn't matter nor is the reason you're buying it for, as long as you live here with me, as long as you are my wife, this is what you will use for your finances" I looked at him before putting the card on my pocket. I don't really plan on using it but I won't be telling him that. I'll just keep it for now.

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