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"Good afternoon" I greeted the moment the man went inside the room. "Fah Chankimha" I introduced myself as I reached out my hand towards Mr. Armstrong first. "James Armstrong" he introduced himself as he took my outstretched hand. We shook each other's hand before letting go.

"Please take a seat" I gestured towards the empty seat before I made my way to the empty chair right across them. "What would you like to drink? Juice? Tea? Coffee? Anything" I put my hand on the table that was separating us as I offered him something to drink, though it was nothing but mere excuse to steady my nerves to what this is all about. "Tea is fine"

"Please bring us some tea for now" I told the waiter and waited for him to leave before turning back my attention to the person right across me. "Thank you for agreeing to see me despite the short notice and all the secrecy" I told him sincerely since I really am truly grateful. "It's okay. I do have an understanding that some things can not be easily said through calls or emails, but I still am clueless as to what this is all about" Mr. Armstrong answered. I nodded my head in response, thankful that he is not mad about the whole ordeal. "Also, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience but I just had to make sure that I get to talk to you in private before I make any other decision" I started to say and I could see the confusion in his eyes. 

I was about to continue talking when a knock was heard, immediately followed by the door opening and closing as the waiter who had left moments ago has now came back with a tray at hand. He started serving us our tea and placed a plate of cookies and biscuits before giving us a bow and once again left the room.

"As I was saying, I need to talk to you about some very important matter" I said, once again starting the conversation. I took a deep breath. "As you already know, it hasn't been that long since I became the new CEO of our company" I said. I figured that it would be better to simply get to the point and no longer prolong the possible outcome. "The thing is that, the partnership between our company is actually my first actual project. Everything that I've done so far was just a continuation of what my father has already started so I am being very meticulous about this deal" I told him, his face unreadable so I simply continued talking. "Well, a little while ago my dad and I found out that there's someone trying to sabotage my leadership, that's why I would like to extend my apologies to the both of you" I tried my best to convey my apologetic feeling towards him.

"Are you trying to say that you want to terminate our contract with Chankimha Corporation?" Mr. Armstrong asked grimly. Though he didn't seem angry but more like disheartened. I tried to remember what I said and I let go of a sigh. I gave myself a face slap, mentally scolding myself for being ambiguous and causing a misunderstanding. "No, no" I said. "That's not what I'm trying to say" I added. "The ones who are against me are trying to ruin my reputation. We found out that they put someone inside your company to bring it down by any means possible" I explained to them. "Are you saying that the problem my company is facing now is because of the people inside your company?" he asked with disbelief. "Yes" I answered grimly. I really do feel guilty because of this.

"That's why I want to talk to you. The people who did this still are unaware that we have found out about their scheme. Dad and I are already doing something about this but I can't just let you suffer because of this" I told him. "So, what's the plan now" he asked me curiously. "The thing is, in order for our plan to work we can't help you and your company directly. They would definitely get suspicious and they might take a step back or change their approach and we might not be able to catch them all" I started. "We need a diversion, another reason for us to help you publicly without drawing too much attention and suspicion"

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