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"I need your help, Becca" Fah announced as soon as he has laid his eyes on me. I can see that his eyes are full of worries and concern. I can also see him fidgeting. His action is actually making me worry as well, but I tried not to let it show.  I kind of have a vague idea as to why he's like that so I wanted to fasten my phase to finally hear what it is he wants to say but I held it in.

I motioned for Fah to sit down as I take a seat across him. "What help do you need from me?" I asked him, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible. "We finally found Freen" the news made me want to jump for joy but I made sure to compose myself. "But there's a problem" he informed me and I'm really not surprised. I stayed quiet and waited for him to talk again "I tried to tell her the truth but she just kept on pushing me away. She keeps on insisting that everything was her fault, even the accident that resulted with us being in a coma" he looks so devastated with all this that I actually felt sorry for him and that he's really frustrated towards Freen. "I also told her that we're no longer together but she wouldn't let me explain" he added and that got me a little irritated. I mean, Freen and I both thought that Fah and I were legally married. If he tells her that we're no longer together just like that, then would divorce be the first thing that would come to mind. "Did you also tell her that everyone knows about our feelings for each other?" I asked, scared that the answer is what I actually think it is. "Yes, I did" I was actually hoping to hear him say no but it had to be one of those times that I'm right "She's being really stubborn about this that she's no longer listening to me" Fah simply continued, seemingly oblivious to the misunderstanding he just created. "You could have just told her the truth, you know" I stated, irritated. He seems to have become stunned with the apparent irritation in my voice. "I could" he agreed. "I could have forced her to listen and I know that she will. She will listen to everything that I will tell her but that's not exactly the problem" he added, feeling even more frustrated. "What is then?" I asked. I really fail to see the problem in just telling her the truth and get it over and done with.

"Knowing how she is, If I have forced her to listen to my explanation, she will only think that I'm making excuses. She'll think that I'm only telling her stories to make her feel better. She might even think that I'm making it all up just so I could let you two be together" he explained and I actually found myself agreeing with him. I let out a sigh. "You know how she is and her way of thinking, always blaming herself" he explained further and I actually cursed myself for not being able to foresee that. I guess I still don't know her that well. It also made me realize that Fah really knows his sister very well. The fact that he can actually understand how her brain works and be able to know what to do, really shows how much he loves and cares for her. "That's true. That could certainly happen" I admitted. I can I actually see that happening. "That's why I need your help" he said. Now that my irritation is gone, I can actually listen to him rationally. "Please go to Freen and talk to her" I let out another. Why is it that I kind of expected for him to say that. "I just have this feeling that she will definitely listen to you" he added and for some reason, I actually believe him. He knows her really well so I think that listening to him and doing it the way he thinks we should would really be the ideal way to go. 

"Ok" I agreed, steeling my resolve. "I will" I guess it's up to me this time "Where is she anyway?" I asked, remembering that I still don't have any idea as to where she is at the moment. Fah hasn't told me yet. "I'll take you there but it's gonna be a long drive" was his only answer but I no longer care. As long as I could get to her and be able to finally put an end to this all, I won't mind not going into each and every detail. "It's ok. The sooner I get to her, the sooner we'll get this over with and the sooner she becomes finally free of her guilty feelings" I replied, earning a smile from Fah.

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