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Extremely rare. That's the case that me and my brother have.

Studies have shown that 1 in 250 natural pregnancies could result in twins and that, 3 out of 1000 live births may be identical twins, however our instance is one of the very few. Boy/girl twins are reportedly 99.9% of the time non-identical. Due to the fact that we are identical twins of different genders, I suppose you could argue that we belong to the 0.1%. 

That's right. We are identical twins but he's a boy and I'm a girl. It's not entirely impossible but it's also not something that you would come across with on a daily basis.

My brother and I have always been close with each other. I think it's safe to say that there's nothing we don't know about each other. Even though we kept each other's secret from others, we don't keep secrets from each other. My brother is my best friend and one of the most important people in my life.

~~~ flashback ~~~

8 years old

"We got ice cream!" dad screamed from across the room catching our attention away from the movie the two of us were watching so intently. With smiles on our faces, we stood up quickly and darted towards the waiting arms of our parents. "How are my babies?" mom asked as she give Fah and I a kiss on our foreheads. "We're great!"  Fah answered immediately. "We had our quiz at school today" he informed them. "I got one wrong answer but Freen got a perfect score!" he said as he ruffled my hair. "She was amazing! She was the only one who got it perfect" he added, excitedly waiting for response. He was so proud you could mistake him as the one who actually got the perfect score. Our parents face brightened up even more as they continue to watch the two of us. "That great!" dad said. "Both of my children are amazing" he continued wearing a face-splitting smile on his face. "Maybe the ice cream is not gonna be enough, should we buy something else to celebrate?" he looked back and forth between the two of us as he asked. Fah, then, looked at me, asking with his eyes. Me, understanding what he wanted, gave him a nod in response which elicited a wide smile to his face which I mirrored unconsciously. "Pizza!" we shouted simultaneously, which resulted in a round of laughter from the four of us.


13 years old

"Aren't you jealous of your sister?" I heard accidentally on my way to my brother's room where he and his friends are hanging out, if I remember correctly, his name was Chin. It jerked me to a halt and hid myself behind the door just out of their sight but within range to still hear them. "Yeah, she's always at the top of the class, even the entire school." one of his friends stated, I believe that was Non. "She's also very popular. There's probably no one in the whole student body who doesn't know her." another one chimed in, this time it was Heng. "Why would I be jealous?" Fah scoffed. "If anything, I am proud of her. I am in awe at how amazing she is. I will be here to support her and I know she will be for me. That's why I'm doing my best to study"

"So you can surpass her?" Chin inquired with a hint of teasing. I can feel my heart pound as I wait to hear his answer. What if he does want to surpass me? What if my achievement is actually becoming a burden to him? What if he'll hate me for it? My mind was starting to run wild when I finally heard him talk. "No!" he exclaimed, obviously finding the idea ridiculous. "It's so that I could go to the same university as her." I can feel myself relax upon hearing this, happy to know that my brother hasn't changed at all. "I need to make sure my sister is safe from jerks like you guys!" he added with a mischievous voice. The other three scorned in disbelief. "If we're jerks, doesn't that mean that you're one too" Heng retaliated. "Don't lump me with you guys. I'm a much better person than all of you combined!" Fah replied, stifling laughter as he elicited a round of "really" and "is that so" from the other three, paired with a soft sound of thuds which I suspected as the sound of pillows being thrown around. 

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