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The sound of my alarm woke me up from my sleep, again. I sat down, feeling refreshed. Having a good night's rest has really helped in improving my mood. Although I still feel quite upset after remember last night's incident, I'm no longer mad about but it doesn't necessary mean that I would let it go just like that. I don't really feel like joining him for breakfast but I also don't want to go against our contract so I'll simply suck it up and try my best not to be affected by any of his actions throughout the meal. After that, I could have the whole day in peace and quiet by myself.

With this in mind, I went ahead and got myself cleaned up and clothed before leaving my room and head towards the dining area. Unlike yesterday, I walked slowly, taking my time despite knowing that he would already be there waiting for me. I kind of want to him to know that I'm definitely not ok with the way he acted last night.

I sat down on my chair quietly. He started to eat and I followed suit. I ate my meal silently and avoided looking in his direction purposely. I was expecting for him to leave when he put down his utensils only to be disappointed. After finishing his meal with a sip of water, he wiped his mouth and called for my attention. "Becky"

Becky? Did I hear that right? Did he really call me Becky just now?

"W-what did you just call me?" temporarily forgetting about my intention of avoiding him. I was kind of taken aback by the name calling and cannot help but ask. By this time, I have also finished eating and put down my own set of utensils. 

"I called you Becky. Is there something wrong?" he replied. He sounded like I just asked a really weird question which is actually quite puzzling for me. "Can I call you Becca?" I heard at the back of my mind as the conversation triggered the memory of him asking me over a year ago during our first meeting. I guess he changed his mind and that's how he's calling me now. "Why did you call me?" I questioned, trying to put the previous matter behind. "Do you have any plans for the weekend?" he queried, looking straight into my eyes. Though I already knew that I have nothing planned, not just for the weekend but for who knows how long, I still took my time to answer just to somehow feel like I have control of my own time. "No. Not really. Why?"

"Keep your weekend open. We have a schedule for a fitting" he announced. Fitting? What fitting? I don't recall having any reason for me to be in need of doing a fitting. "Fitting for what?" I inquired, not bothering to hide nor control my emotion. "Throughout the month we are being required to attend three events where we will be formally introduced together and you as a Chankimha" he stated calmly while I, on the other hand, has started to become anxious. "The first event would be next week, it's the anniversary of the company so we must attend" he added and without waiting for an answer he stood up to leave but stopped himself. I looked at him and found him also looking at me. "Don't sleep in the garden this time" he told me before finally disappearing out the door.

This guy! Really! He's testing my patience so much.

I don't really know what I did but the time passed by and the weekend came in a blink of an eye. It feels like the past few days came by as a blur and I don't really have much of a recollection of what had happened. It's like I zoned out for a moment and the next thing I know is that I'm here, seated right next to Fah on the back seat of the black car that we are using instead of the yellow one that he uses all the time, as we head to the venue for the anniversary party of the Chankimha Corporation. I can vaguely remember trying on this beautiful dress that I'm wearing right now during the weekend inside the boutique that seemed to not have any customer but us. The place screamed luxury that it somehow made me feel a little intimidated. Everyone was being friendly and hospitable, including Fah, but I can't calm my nerves down and was tensed throughout the whole process.

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