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"Why do you have so much stuff with you?" was the first thing I heard from Becky the moment she saw me enter the house with hands full of bags. Looking up, I saw and watch her as she goes down the stairs with shock and disbelief displayed on her face. Giving her a smile, I put the bags in front of me "They're for you" 

"For me?" Becky asked as she stop right in front of me, confusion was obvious to her face and voice. "But I told you I didn't need anything" she commented, scanning the bags in my hand. "I know but I wanted to get you something" I said as I start walking towards the dining area with Becky in tow. She did offer to help but I simply dismissed the idea telling her that it was unnecessary. "I did give you a black card to use but you never do, so I don't really know what you like--" I put the bags on the table "-- since I still want to give you something, I just bought one of everything that they have" I said, pleased with my own decision, then I turned around to face her. "To serve as a reference for the next time, just let me know what you liked out of all of this" I added, somehow proud of my action. She simply stood there looking at me with her mouth hanging.

"Have you had dinner yet?" I asked after a minute of waiting for a response that didn't come. "Becky" I called. That's when she shook her head, snapping herself out of her dazed situation. "Uhm... dinner. No, not yet" she finally answered. "Good!" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together. "Let's have dinner together" I said, much less of a suggestion and more of an announcement. "Together?" Becky commented in a lowered voice. "Yes. Unless you don't want to eat with me" I could hear the nervousness in my voice that I tried to hide. I was afraid that she would reject my offer altogether. "Of course not. I was just surprised, that's all" she explained and I was able to let go of the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I can feel a smile wanting to show on my face but I held it back. 

As if on cue, Anya emerged from the kitchen. "Anya, please prepare our dinner, also..." I pointed towards the bags that I put down. "...plate all this as well" she gave me a nod before going back toward the kitchen. I turned to face Becky again. "I'll just go and put on a change of clothes and I'll come back down" Becky also gave me a nod then I went and did as I said.

When I got back everything was already set and Becky was already seated. I went and took my seat and I started serving food for the both of us, liking how it felt more natural every single time. Honestly, the first time I did it wasn't intentional. I didn't even know what came over me but I simply did it. Not wanting to lose to my nerves, I did it again and again which lead me back to now. Becky did show some resistance, but I also noticed how she gradually warmed up to the idea.

"How was your day?" I asked, finally starting the meal. "It was fine" she answered, ending the conversation, just like she always does. We ate in silence for a couple of minutes before I managed to gather some confidence to talk again. "What did you do all day?" I tried again, looking at her. "Just... some stuff" she looked at me for a moment before looking back down on her plate. With that, the conversation was once again put to an end. We were again succumbed with silence with the rest of dinner.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked as soon as I was able to put down my utensils, finishing my meal. I bit my lip as I silently curse myself for the lack of imagination and the fear of being rejected by her, again. To my surprise she agreed, not that I expected her to say no but I was also not expecting for her to actually agree.

I went on a couple of trips from the dining area to the living room, bringing along a new set of snacks in both hands each time as I let Becky decide of what movie to watch. As I come back from my last trip to the table, I held my left hand toward Becky, giving her the milk tea that I was holding. She thanked me as she accepted it, and I sat next to her on the couch as the movie started. Only the sound of drinking and the soundtrack from the film can be heard for a time. We were almost halfway through the movie when I finally managed to speak, as I was considering what to say. "I'm sorry" Finally, I began speaking to break the awkward silence between us. I sensed Becky snap her head towards me so I did the same and faced her. She seemed astonished, and I can't really fault her for that. "I'd like to apologize for the way that I acted these past few months. I know that the two of us needs to exert some effort for this to actually work" I shifted in my seat a little as I feel myself starting to get embarrassed. "I understand that you probably are unhappy with this marriage, and I understand if you are upset with me, but I promise to be better. At the very least, I want the both of us to get along." 

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