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I knew that it was a whim but I just can't shake away the feeling that I kind of owe it to her. 

One, because ever since we got married, I have come to the realization that Becky has been cooped up inside the house with mostly nothing to do but watch the times pass by. 

Two, I'm still nowhere near enough from making up to her for neglecting her for months. 

Three, I want to be able to thank her for being so understanding to the point that she is willing to keep my secret even though in reality she has the right to get angry at me because she's the true victim to all of these. 

Four, I was hoping to consider this as our honeymoon because we never really had one. Even though I am not technically her husband doesn't mean that I can't give her one, right. 

Lastly, this is technically the first time that Becky asks something from me and I want to be able to give it to her. 

Honestly, I want to be able to give anything and everything that she wanted. Whatever it is that she asks of me, I want to do for her.

It took a total of four calls and one hour to make it possible. I first called Dad to inform him of my plan, asking him to be on call for whenever someone's needed in the office throughout the duration of our vacation. I also asked him to be the one to tell Mom because the idea of going on a vacation while she's there, stuck inside the hospital makes me feel ashamed and guilty. Next, I called my secretary and told her that I will not be going to the office for a couple of days. I also made sure to tell her not to disturb me for the time being and to talk to my father instead. Thirdly, I called the caretakers of the family villa where I plan on taking Becky and asked them to prepare the place for us, make sure to clean the place, put some supplies and groceries enough for two people for a week and make sure that everything is working properly. Lastly, I called Becky's parents, her mom actually, just to let her know that we would be out of town for a while. It's just my way of showing my respect to them, just in case they decided to drop by or call Becky, they'll know that we won't be here for a while.

Once everything was set, I went up and head to Becky's room. I knocked on her door and waited for her to open. When she did, I gave her a bright smile that she mirrored immediately. "Good morning" I greeted happily, maybe a little too happy. Becky tilted her head a little accompanied with a small smile that seems to be examining my aura that is different than usual. "Well, someone's happy" she commented "Not that I'm complaining, I'm actually loving this smiley version of you" she beamed. "Pack your bags. Let's go!" I told her enthusiastically. She knitted her brows. "Go where?" she asked curiously, smile not leaving her face. "You said you wanted to go on a vacation, let's go" I told her excitedly. A combination of glee and surprise was seen on her face. "We're really going?" the delight and excitement in her voice was the confirmation I needed to know that I have made the right decision. I nod my head frivolously. 

With my confirmation, she let out a happy shriek before turning around and giddily made her way towards the walk-in closet and disappear inside, only to re-appear moments later with a bag and a few clothes at hand. "I don't think that's going to be enough" I said as I watch the spectacle that is her. "Isn't this going to be a day trip?" she uttered curiously. I only shook my head in response. She put a halt to all her movements and stood up, facing me. "Is it going to be an overnight trip?" she asked eagerly. Again, I shook my head in response. "I suggest that you bring a suitcase. We're going on a week-long vacation" I informed her. Her eyes widened along with her smile. "Really?" she asked, her happiness obvious to her face and voice. I gave her another nod as a response. "Where are we going?" she asked energetically. I thought for a moment. "Secret" I said teasingly. The pout she showed me was so cute that I silently wished that I had a camera at hand so I could take a picture and keep it with me forever. "Come on! Tell me. How am I supposed to know what clothes to bring" she pleaded. She was being so lovable I could barely keep myself from teasing her further. "Alright, alright. We're going to the beach" I revealed while I'm still able to stop myself from joking around. Grinning from ear to ear, she bolted into a run towards me. Her body slamming to mine as she encircled her arms around my neck, laughing. I can feel my heart beating so fast and so loud I was afraid she would notice so I subtly pushed her back, telling her to go back to packing so we could leave as soon as possible.

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