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Waking up next to her has always been amazing but it never felt as amazing as it is right now. Simply remembering last night's event automatically brings a smile to my face. I was feeling so happy, I didn't know what to do to contain it. I turned to her direction, appreciating the beauty of the person right in front of me. 'I can't believe she likes me too'

Yes. Last night we somehow ended up confessing our feelings to each other and I really couldn't be happier. I can now openly tell her how much I like her, I can now openly show her my affection, I did wish that I could have known sooner, I wouldn't have held myself back so much. Whatever, I don't want to think about it anymore. What matters now is that I know and she knows. I'm gonna shower her with affection and I don't plan on holding back anymore.

Looking at her sleeping peacefully, no one would think that she carries such a big burden on her shoulders. A part of me wishes that the problem gets solved fast to be able to lighten her load but I also can't help for the opposite because just the mere thought of the implications and effects that will accompany the end of her pretending is unbearable. 

I reached out my hand, gently and slowly ruffling her soft black hair. 'You must have had a beautiful long hair before, I bet you looked gorgeous with it' I thought to myself before proceeding with tracing my finger to her eyes. 'You must have cried a lot when it all went down. I won't promise that you will never cry but I'll do my best to ease the pain' I continued to trace down to her nose, her mouth, her chin, her cheeks and just the entirety of her face. Trying to commit into memory the beautifully proportioned face that is gracing me its presence right now. Before I noticed, I was already leaning in, planting a soft kiss to her beautiful and inviting lips.

With that, she stirs and slowly opened her eyes as I back away. She looked at me for a moment before breaking into a smile "Good morning" she greeted me happily and I can't help but reciprocate the gesture.

"When did you wake up?" she asked as she looked over my shoulder, taking a peak on the clock that was situated on top of the bed side table. "It's still early, there's still time before breakfast" she said worriedly as she looks back to me. "Are you having trouble sleeping?" she asked, concerned. I gave her a smile as I shake my head. "No, I actually slept great" I informed her. "But it's still early, don't you want to go back to sleep?" she asked. "I'm okay, but go back to sleep if you want to. I know you must be exhausted from all the work in the office" I told her and she simply shook her head. "I'm okay" she said. "I'm not really that sleepy anymore" she added. "Are you sure? I don't mind you going back to sleep, you know" I told her, trying to make sure that she understands. She showed me a wider smile. "I'm sure. I'll stay with you until the time that I have to leave" I smiled and snuggled back to her, taking comfort inside her embrace and she started lacing her fingers with the loose locks of my hair. "What would you be doing today?" she asked after a minute of silence. "Nothing much. Just stay at home, read a book maybe" was my answer as I try to envision my day without her and I suddenly felt empty. I'm already used to not having her by my side during the day because of her work so I'm having trouble understanding the sadness I'm feeling now. 

"Ok. You can do whatever you want but I suggest that you don't cook for dinner tonight" I pulled myself back from within her arms and looked at her quizzically, trying to understand what she's trying to say. "Are you saying that you want me to stop cooking dinner?" I asked, trying not to look so hurt right now. 'Does she not like my cooking? I thought she liked my cooking'. She laughs a little and I really don't know what to feel about that. "No" she replied. "I'm just thinking that maybe we'd go out. Let's have dinner at a restaurant. Just for a change" she said shyly and the sadness I felt was gone in an instant. 'How could I have taken her word negatively' I scolded myself silently. She was looking at me as if she's waiting for my answer. I felt a smile appear on my face "Are you asking me on a date?" I asked teasingly. "Maybe" she taunts and that sent the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. "Where would you be taking me?"

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