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Day 4

The past couple of days has been a blast and I still can't believe that were already on the fourth day of our vacation. I really wish for time to slow down a little bit. Three days left. I shook my head. 'No! Don't think like that!' I scolded myself. 'There's three more days to enjoy' I thought, trying to motivate myself. 'Three more days to be in this villa with just the two of us and no one else' thinking about this actually brightened up my day. The previous days has been amazing but I plan to make the remaining just as great.

I woke up extremely happy once again. I was truly glad that she agreed to sleep in the same room as me. When I woke up here on our first morning, I thought that my heart was going to jump out of my chest when I realized the close proximity that we had and how we were actually in a cuddling position. Though I don't know which one surprised me more, was it the fact that I hugged her or the fact that she hugged me back. I didn't know what to do then so I slipped out and pretended that nothing happened. Yesterday, the same thing happened but unlike the day before, I wanted to savor the moment and even tried to pretend to sleep when she woke up. I wanted to stop her from leaving but I didn't have the heart to be discovered of pretending to sleep just to snuggle longer so I waited until she left the room before I went and took my turn to prepare as well.

Today, seeing our position once again made my heart happy. I honestly don't mind getting used to this. I admit that I want to just stay here like this for the rest of the day, I wonder if she would mind that, but went against it and took this time to prepare first before going down to the kitchen, wanting to serve her breakfast today.

By the time the food was ready, Freen was still nowhere in sight. She might still be sleeping. I actually had the thought of going up to wake her when an idea came to mind. I went around the kitchen arranging what I need then went and proceeded with it.

"Good morning" I greeted as soon as she woke up. "It's time for breakfast" I said as she pulls herself up into a sitting position. "What time is it?" she asked as she looks around, her eyes landing on the tray on my hand. "I prepared breakfast" I smiled happily to her. "Breakfast in bed?" she gave me a questioning look, a happy one, accompanied by a smile that was truly so cute she makes me want to pinch her cheeks. "I just thought of it and well... why not, right?" I tried giving her the cutest face I could make and I'm considering it a success as she agreed with my plan and enjoyed a simple meal together on our bed. 

We were mostly done when she asked "What would you like to do today?" it was a simple question but the way I see it is that it was her way of showing that she truly cares and prioritizes what I want. For a moment I thought of all the things we could do and all the places we could go. Simply thinking about it makes me so excited already and that's when another idea came to me. "Why don't we just stay inside today. Watch some movies, talk, read a book. It doesn't really matter as long we are together, right?" there was moment of silence before she nods her head. "If that's what you want, then that's what we'll do" she declared and I couldn't help but smile.

In less than two hours, we were already set. All sorts of food and snacks were on the table as we sat down side by side on the couch. Given the privilege to choose what movie to binge watch, I chose the longest one I know and started playing the first one out of eight Harry Potter movies. We pretty much stayed in silence as we try and focus on the movie, but not me for I had other agendas in mind. Yes, I truly did want to watch the movie with her. I just thought that while we are here right next to each other for the next couple of hours, why not try out some of the things that I would like to do. And that's what I did.

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