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"Wait here and get some rest. I'll get you something for your head" I said before turning and walked my way to the door and out of the room. The moment the door was shut, I stopped and let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. I put my hand over my chest, giving it light pats as I try to calm my beating heart. Ever since last night, I have been troubled by its erratic behavior. I shouldn't be like this. I mean, it's not like this is the first time. We have kissed before, during the wedding to be exact, so why does this bother me so much. Looking at her face has now become a problem because I can no longer look at her without my line of sight going down to her lips, stare at it and be reminded of the feeling of them in contact with mine. Remember how soft and sweet it was with a faint hint of alcohol and with that in mind, I ran my thumb on my lips unconsciously. Though a part of me felt better knowing that she doesn't remember what had transpired the night before, part of me also felt a little disappoint about it.

I pushed the thought out of my mind and forced myself to move, walk through the hallway, down the stairs and to the kitchen where I found the congee that Anya has already prepared. I went through the cupboards and found the medicine kit where I took the bottle of aspirin. I put it on the tray where I have previously put the plate of congee, glass of water and utensils. I checked everything before going back up to her room with the tray of supplies she'll need.

The moment that I saw her face, the beating of my heart started to go faster again after having it calm down and back to its normal pace just moments ago. 'Seriously! why does my heart beat faster whenever I'm near her?'. I can only hope that I've managed to hide my emotions with my poker face as I try and dismiss the thought thinking that the reason for it is due to the memory being still fresh in my mind. It may just be a phase that will wear out after a while.

I put the tray down on the bed next to her, took one tablet of aspirin from its bottle and gave it to her along with the glass of water, gesturing for her to drink it, which she did, before I took the glass of now half full water back then handed her the congee and a spoon for her to eat by herself after managing to push away the urge to feed her myself and went back to sit down on the chair where I was earlier and crossed my hands on my chest. I watched her as she slowly ate her food and steal glances towards me from time to time. Once done, she put the now empty plate back down on the tray and the spoon right beside it. I went and took the tray from the bed immediately before heading back out as I tell her to lie down and try to sleep for her to feel better.

After putting down the tray in the sink and helped myself with a glass of water, I made my way to my home office as an excuse to give my heart breathing room and for it to function properly. I sigh upon seeing the pile of papers that needed attending to. It only reminded me of the huge amount of work that needs to be completed and the amount of progress that I've actually made, which was not many. I was so preoccupied last night that I ended up forgetting about work altogether. I needed to make sure that Becky was alright. With another deep breath to hopefully motivated myself, I took my seat and opened up my laptop to face my responsibilities and do some actual work.

I have checked and replied to emails, approved and signed some plans and analyzed and reviewed a couple of proposals. I feel like I have made some progress and have spent more than enough time to give my heart its time to recover, only to be proven wrong when I checked the time and found out that only ten minutes have passed. I was feeling listless and really not motivated to word, or do anything for that matter when a thought suddenly crossed my mind. Maybe if I go to my room, I'll be able to relax better and be able to find some will to make some progress.

With that in mind, I packed my things up and headed upstairs and into my room. Upon entering, I took a glimpse towards my bed where I left Becky and found her sleeping soundly. She must have dozed off while I was gone. Well, that's good for her, she'll need all the sleep she can get to be able to recover from the hangover that I am sure she's having right now.

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