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Day 1

"This is the master's bedroom" I said as I opened the door at the farthest part of the hall on the second floor. Becky walked pass me only to be stopped after taking a couple of steps inside, eyes looking at one particular thing. Intrigued and confused, I entered the room and followed her gaze only to be welcomed by a well-made bed that is very well decorated, the only problem is that it was decorated with rose petals, towels folded into doves and all those kinds of romantic stuff. It is obviously made for a couple. I cursed silently in my head. Now I understand the mischievous smirk that Kim was wearing before they left.

"Don't mind the decorations, I'm sure it's just Kim's way of teasing" I said, chuckling nervously but Becky didn't say anything. She just stood there looking at me wearing that cute smile of hers that I love. Not knowing what to do next, I commented "You know what, let's just take it all away" I was about to approach the bed but Becky held me back. She took hold of my wrist and pulled me back gently. "It's okay. It's cute, it's pretty" she smiled and let go of my hand as she pulled out her phone with the other, taking pictures of the seemingly amusing scenery right in front of us. Part of me wanted to somehow hide from embarrassment but another part of me is happy that she finds this all cute and lovely.

"There's also a balcony. This is the only room that has one" I stated, making her stop her current activity and look back at me. "You can see the overlooking view of the entire beach from there. I can guarantee it when I say that it is the second-best spot to watch the sunrise or the sunset" the moment I said it, Becky's eyes sparkled. Looking very excited, she practically dragged me towards the area where she released a 'wow' the moment we reached it.

Watching her reaction gave me a boost of confidence knowing that I have made the right choice of arriving just in time for the sunset. I was happy seeing her happy. "I actually asked Kim to prepare dinner for us to eat while we watch the sunset" I informed her. "Let's go?" I asked as I slightly pull her along but she didn't budge. Instead, she pulled me along with her until she was leaning on the railing, eyes never leaving the beautiful combination of yellow, orange and red produced by the setting sun. "Dinner can wait" she said as she gave me a nudge to follow her action. "Let's just enjoy this. Let's enjoy what we can at the moment" she added and I needed no more convincing. For the next couple of minutes nothing can be heard but the sound of waves crashing to the shore, the sound of leaves being rustled by the wind and the sound of our breathing. It feels so peaceful that I didn't want for it to stop.

"Can I call you by your name here?" she asked without looking at me, making me look in her direction. "Your actual name" she reiterated as she turns to face me. After our talk this morning, I actually asked her to just keep on calling me Fah despite her knowing the truth. She sulked and whined and even negotiated but I declined them all. After being found out in the way I never even thought was possible, I want to make sure that such a thing will no longer happen. I have to up my defenses and that includes her. A slip of the tongue is the last thing that I want. Though she appeared to have understood my reason, I can tell that a part of her is sad about my decision. "I'm sorry" I apologized. "I..." I wanted to give her a better explanation but she stopped the words from coming out of my mouth by placing a finger to my lips. "I understand. You don't have to explain. I just thought that maybe while we're here..." she didn't finish what she wanted to say. Well, she didn't have to finish for me to understand. I gave her a smile. "Maybe someday...?" was my reply.

She looked at me for a moment before reciprocating my smile and answering. "Someday"


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