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I have been trying my best to get my work done and not let my mind wander towards the truth that I've finally found out. I have been wanting to tell our parents about this discovery but with little to no evidence at hand, I stopped and kept it to myself for a little while. I want to be a hundred percent sure that what I've seen was correct so I conducted an experiment-like investigation of my own.

I started with Becca, trying to talk about Freen more often and watch each and every reaction she gave me. I also tried talking about the necklace that I have noticed that Becca has never once removed and even kept on stroking whenever I starts a conversation with Freen as the main topic. I have tried telling her that Freen's condition has been fluctuating from good to bad and then worse, the worry in her eyes was really all I needed to see that the girl is indeed head over heels with my sister and it truly makes me happy. Happy to know that my baby sister is being loved so fiercely by the woman that she loves.

I also went ahead and tried to confirm my sister's feelings. I needs an actual confirmation without having to ask her because I know that Freen will simply deny it. I tried talking about Becky, all about her daily activities, her condition and pretty much anything I could think about talking as I watch the flashes of emotions dancing on her face as she tries to keep on hiding her feelings and not be found out. The happiness I feel for my sister is being clouded by guilt and determination to put things back in order and finally put a stop to the agony of these two lovely people who deserves to be with other and not be restricted because of a lie. I need to end this as soon as possible and finally let Freen and Becca be free from the shackles that I've unintentionally created. If I knew this was going to happen, I would have simply reached out to my family and asked for help right from the very start.

I was about to open up the very same file that I've been trying to finish for the past hour when the ringing of my phone caught my attention. I checked the caller ID and found out that it was my dad calling. "Hello, Dad?" I answered the phone quickly. "We're at the penthouse" Dad told me "Come up here now" he commanded rather than asked. "Ok, I'll be right there" I replied, quickly putting the folder back on top of the pile of files I've yet to review, revise and give approval to. I put my phone in my pocket and quickly walked out of my office. "I need to leave. Please take care of things here for now" I quickly instructed my secretary by slowing my pace down a little before taking larger strides towards the company elevator and pressed the button. I felt myself getting more and more impatient and nervous with every passing second and found myself tapping my foot on the floor as I watch the displayed number on the monitor change until it finally reached my floor. The people inside were so stunned with my sudden appearance in front of them but their reactions are the least of my worries right now. I need to go to my Dad fast because my curiosity and the anxiety is truly killing me. 

The elevator doors were only halfway open when I pushed forward and squeezed myself through the door in my hurry. I was slightly out of breath when I finally reached the penthouse and was kind of taken aback by the sight of my Mom, my Dad, Mr. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong inside the expansive living room, seated around the sofas, but what truly surprised me was the presence of Richie Armstrong, whom I have yet to meet and get acquainted with, along with his wife and their newborn baby right by his side.

"Now that you're here, we can start" Dad said as he sat down on the sofa that was right in the middle, mom seated right next to him, attracting all the attention to his direction. I walked slowly towards the sofa to take a seat of my own right next to him and get a little bit of time to even my breathing. "First of all, I want to apologize to everyone that is here right now because it has certainly taken us too much time, way too much than necessary to finally get to where we are right now" he started as he stood up, put his palms together and bowed his head towards all of us. Starting from his right side where Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are seated, to Richie and his own family who was seated on the sofa on his left side. "If only I had taken care of this all before I stepped down as CEO, all of these wouldn't have happened" he added.

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