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The wait is killing me. 

'I didn't think that the first news I would hear about you after being silent for the last few months was you being rushed to the hospital. What on earth could have happened for you to become like this? What did you do to end up being in a hospital?'

I wanted to send Fah another message but I stopped myself. I don't want him to be suspicious of anything and I know that this is what Freen would have wanted as well. I don't know how I did it but I managed to keep myself sane despite the anxiety that I've been feeling ever since Fah left the house.

Fah never said that he would not be coming back so I stayed in the living room, browsing through every channel there is as I wait from him nervously. After five hours and twenty minutes, the front door finally opened with him in tow. I quickly stood up and welcomed him.

Based on his reaction, I could tell that he was surprised to see me still awake. "Hey" I greeted him as casually as possible. "Why are you still awake? You should have gone to bed already" Fah said, concerned. "Well, you didn't tell me whether or not you're coming back so I figured I'll just wait" I confessed. It is the truth anyway. "I'm sorry about that" he said as we started walking towards the living room. "I was really shaken when I heard that she was sent to the hospital" he said and I can tell that he is still affected by it. "I'm a little over protective when it comes to her. She is my one and only little sister after all. I should be the one protecting her, but all this time she's been the one doing the protecting and it all resulted to this" his guilt was so apparent that I am at a loss for words. I don't really know where I stand at the moment. My heart keeps wanting her but my mind keeps telling me that I'm his.

We finally reached the living room and sat at the sofa. "What happened anyway? Is she alright now?" I asked, trying to keep the flow of the conversation going. "Yeah, I left when she has already fallen asleep" he told me and it made me feel relieved. I'm glad that she's not in a very bad state. "She's been very stressed and it's affecting her negatively that she ended up fainting. She's been working nonstop while still pretending to be me which only doubles the stress. I was also told that she wasn't really eating and sleeping, all she does is work even back when she was alone abroad" he added, his voice was grave. Thinking about it, I couldn't help but feel a surge of dread and... anger. 'You should have taken care of yourself! At least let me hear some positive things about you and not worry me half to death with such news' I thought to myself as I try to subdue the turmoil I'm feeling inside. "That's why we had a talk, Mom and Dad also supported my decision to finally show up in public. I will be taking my life back and I'm gonna let her live hers. She's been through more than enough" he informed me, snapping me out of my own thoughts, and I did my best to hide the happiness I'm feeling for her that came along with the revelation.

She's been trapped to the life of pretending and carried the guilt of it all with her all this time. I might has lost her by my side but at least she can live freely now. She can now have her life back. No more hiding.

"I'll start going back to work day after tomorrow. I have to check everything first. It's a good thing that Freen have been keeping me up to date with all the company matters so I only need a refresher, you know, just to make sure" he said and I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Freen has been communicating with Fah all this time and I can't help the hope and wish that she would communicate with me too. Though I have already expected this, especially after reading her letter, but still, it hurts. 

"Have you had dinner yet?" I asked Fah, mostly to distract myself and change the topic. "No, I haven't but I think I'll just pass. I think it would be better to get some sleep now" he told me and I nodded in response. "How about you?" he asked me. "I already had dinner, don't worry about me" I lied. I was so nervous that I ended up foregoing dinner because I didn't have any appetite, but I guess he didn't have to know that. "I can't not worry about you. It still is my duty to worry about you and your wellbeing" he said and it made me remember something along the line that Freen had told me before 'isn't that a given?'. His face is not exactly helping me forget.

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