Lowrider - Brian "Head" Welch (KORN)

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Your POV:
Tomorrow was Bri's birthday. Me and his bandmates had a surprise for him. He was going to be recording a cover of one of his favorite song, War's "Lowrider". Afterwards, there was going to be a party, cause Lord knows that fucker is one party animal.

I woke up at seven thirty the day of his birthday, to make him breakfast. I didn't have to worry about being too loud since Brian always slept hard. Sometimes, it would scare you cause sometimes he looks like he isn't breathing. But no. He's just knocked out.

I made him eggs, bacon, and toast. I should've made his weird ass some sunny side up. But I just made them scrambled today. I put it in a tray along with a bottle of whiskey. That boy always drinking that, no matter the time or place. I took the tray and went back to the bedroom. He was sprawled out like a damn starfish, with drool going down the right side of his mouth. I put the tray on top of the nightstand and tried to shake him awake. Nothing. I tried to shake him again. Still, nothing. I grabbed my pillow and started hitting him with it.

"Wake up birthday bitch," I joked. "Get up Brian."
For the third time, nothing. I hit him as hard as I can, hoping he would get up.
"Get up!"
"Mrghhh," he groaned. He slowly opened his eyes. He then smiled.
"Hi (Y/N) bear!" he exclaimed. I leaned down to his face and kissed his cheek.
"Happy Birthday," I smiled.
"Bah! I'm gettin old!"
"Oh shut it! You are not! Sit up. Made you breakfast."

He got up rather quickly. I gave him his tray of food. With a quick "thank you", he began to eat.
"Why are you so mean?" he asked, with a bit of egg hanging on his mouth.
"I'm not mean," I began. "You're just fucking stupid."
I laughed and walked to the other side of the bed, then sitting on it close to Brian, which his bottom half was covered in blanket. And his top, wow. A spectacular sight that is. His body his so beautiful, sometimes I envy it.
"Enjoy the view there huh?" he asked, gulping down a bit of the whiskey.
"In your dreams," I replied.
"Can't fool me kiddo. I can see through those hungry eyes," he said seductively, leaning towards me. I punched his arm, not hard though.
"Your weirdness. It's a bit fucking early for that shit babe."
"I was joking! Sheesh!"

Later that morning:
"You wanna go where?" I asked. Me and Brian were in the car. I was driving since Brian was a bit drunk still. After the breakfast, I decided we should go out somewhere. We both changed and now, we're here. It was hard to hear since Brian blasted on Iron Maiden.

"The mall!"
"But the mall don't open until an hour!" We had to yell in order to hear each other. Why couldn't we just turn the music? Cause Brian refuses to down at any case.
"Aww shit! What can we do? Can we go to the studio?"
"Hell no! I said as we stopped at a red light. Within a couple of seconds it turned green so we can go.
"Why not? You got something planned there?" he asked with a smirk, as if he could read my mind.
"No cause I got a better idea," I replied quickly, a bit nervous. Don't want to spoil his surprise.

Eventually, I pulled up to a Krispy Kreme.
"Damn, haven't been to one of those for a while," he said.
I parked the car and we got out. Brian quickly dashed in. There was barely anyone there.
"Hello. Welcome to Krispy Kreme. What can I get ya?"
"Yes, may I have a chocolate glazed donut?"
I ran towards him, hugging his back, since he practically left me outside. He turned to look at me and smile.
"Make it two."

We sat down and ate our doughnuts . Brian ended up buying us two more for the both of them. Originally, I was going to pay for them, but Brian was being stubborn.
"Bri, you got some glaze all over your mouth," I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin.
"Wipe it off, duh!"
He playfully rolled his eyes and wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket.
"Brian Philip Welch, I just washed your jacket!Use a napkin!"
He simply shrugged. I gave him a napkin, which he crumbled up and tossed it at me.
"Seriously dude?"
He grabbed more from the holder and crumbled them, kept tossing at me. I got up.
"If that's how you're gonna be, you won't get my special surprise later if you're gonna act up."
Brian quickly got out of his seat and went on his knees, grabbing hold of my hand.
"Please! I'll be good!" he joked.
"Brian get of the damn floor and pick up your shit that you left at the table."

The rest of the day went swell. We were at the mall basically the entire day. Mainly cause Brian was messing around, like always. He also made me buy all sorts of stuff animals he found, mainly Beanie Babies. We had lunch at a diner that was by the mall. We used to go there all the time during high school. I was surprised it was still there. Been open since '59. Hell, it was older than us. We stopped at home to drop all the bags off. Then, we went to the studio. For Brian's surprise.

"Had a feeling we were coming here sometime or later," he said as we pull up at the entrance.
We got out and headed inside. It was god awfully quiet. I think Jon and them had planning on scaring Brian.
"Any losers here?" Brian asked as we walked
passed the recording room. No one there. We went inside the lounge, which was pitch black.
"Hello?" Brian turned on the light.
"Surprise!" It was the rest of the band, including a guy named Chino Moreno, who I don't really know to much about except that he and Jon smoke together sometimes, a couple of Brian's friends, and Fred, he was in this band called Limp Bizkit. If you asked me, he's basically Vanilla Ice with a huge ass ego. Probably as big a the shirts he wears but you didn't hear that from me. Anyways, Brain's face lit up.

"I knew you fuckers were plotting somethin!" he yelled, running towards the band giving each of them nuggies. Afterwards we partied a bit. Nothing too much. Fred started beer pong which I knew Bri would participate in. It was quite fun. Bri smiled at me the whole time.

A little after the game, Jonathan, Munky, and Reggie took Bri off to the recording room and I followed along. David was with the rest of the group, continuing to party along. We went inside. Everything was all set up. One of the techs were there so they could record.

"Head, get inside there," Jonathan said. Brian, Munky, and Reggie went inside the small room where Jonathan usually performed vocals. Brian looked at them in confusion.
"The hell is going on?" he asked.
"Well, we're recording you today," James said.
"But what am I singing? I didn't even write a song? The hell?"
"Chill," Reg said "(Y/N) there," he began, pointing at me through the glass. I was with Jon and the tech guy. "They asked us for a birthday gift, to let you perform one of your favorite songs, 'Lowrider' by War."
Brian's eyes went wide, placing his hand behind his head.
"Holy shit! That's fucking awesome! Thanks guys!" he said, hugging them all. He then went up to the glass that was in front of me then kissed it, as if he was kissing me. I laughed.
"Go on and get ready you nut!"

I can not find the video of them recording this, but that's what I based this story on. Brian actually was able to record Korn's cover of "Lowrider" by War for the "Life is Peachy" album.
Title Credit: Korn "Lowrider" (Covered from War)

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