California Dreamin' - James Hetfield (METALLICA)

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Your POV:
It's everyone's dream. Going big and famous in Cali. Right? Well, not in my case. I'm only here to watch over my brother's, Lars, ass. He was in a band called Metallica. I used to hang out with them a lot. I was really good friend's with both James and Dave, until Dave was eventually fired and dark curly headed Kirk replaced him. To be honest, I'm glad James and Lars fired him. It was for the better in all of us and him, in a way. Anyways, they recently released their first album, "Kill Them All". They've been dragging me to all their mini shows they had at bars and stuff like that. Their music wasn't half bad. I know they'll big someday. I mean, almost every band does. This one, hell, will be as big as Black Sabbath and all them. Maybe one day.

"What the hell? Where are my drumsticks?!"
Ah. This again. Every now and then, the boys love to mess with Lars and hides his "precious babies", sometimes I do too, just to fuck with him a little. But today, it wasn't me. My guess it was James this time. I was sitting on the sofa in Lars' garage, where they either came up with material for the studio, or rehearsed. James sat with and was smiling as he heard my brother yelled, continuing to write in his note pad. That only meant it was more in likely him who hid it. Cliff was on the arm of the sofa, lighting up his cigarette. Kirk was being nice and trying to help Lars find it. But Lars was being an ass to him.

"Kirk, I swear to God, is it you? Did you touch it?"
"Well obviously I don't know where it is, if I'm trying to help you find it."
Lars kept looking around his drum set, thinking it would've fell.
"Well did it ever occur to you that your only doing this to lure me away from it?"

Ok on that, he made a fair point. Kirk was new and a bit shy. He wouldn't have done that. James and Cliff, yes. Kirk, no.

"Oh you're overreacting Lars! It wasn't Kirk. Leave the boy alone!" I yelled to him.
Lars turned to me.
"Well ok, smart guy, who hid it?"
I glanced at James, who smiled even more, knowing I was looking at him. I then placed my eyes back on Lars.
"I don't know. Those poor things are probably glad to be gone out of grasp after you keep beating them on them drums. They probably grew legs and ran away from your mean ass," I joked.
He rolled his eyes at me then looked at James with that grin of his getting wider and wider.
"Where are they?" Lars asked James.
"Where's what?"
"You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about James. Don't make me stab you in the neck, with a knife."
"Don't you have extra pairs of those shits?"
"Of course not! You think I'm made of money? Where the fuck do you have them?"
James stopped writing and looked up at Lars.
"I shoved them up your ass while you were sleeping. Why don't you go to the bathroom and take them out of it or something, big boy."

Lars was about to charge at him but I'm stopped him in time. I placed a hand on both of their chests. I turned to James.
"Please, give them back to him, pretty boy. I don't want to hear his constant yapping."
I then turned to Lars, annoyed. I took the hand that was on his chest and slapped the back of his head.
"Lars, you damn knuckle head! Stop acting an ass!"
Kirk chuckled a bit nervously and Cliff was laughing his ass off.
"But, you would be mad if he constantly took your stuff and hid it!!"
"Well, you always got a stick up your ass! Quit it shithead!"
He rubbed the back of his head and huffed.
"Whatever," he said, then walked away, going back to his drum set.

He sat at the stool as he watched James like a hawk. I then turned back to James. He looked a bit bashful. He was always like this as I constantly teased or flirted a bit with him.
"Why are you all red for? Go get Lars' shit and give it back."
He chuckled and placed his hand on my hand that was on his chest.
"Alright, sweet thang. Two can play that game."
Now it was mine turn to get red. Lars rolled his eyes.
"Eww, stop flirting with (Y/N) the and give me my shit!" Lars yelled out.
"Aww leave them be. It's cute," Cliff interjected.
I took my hand off of James' chest.
"Get to it, boy."

Evening came around. After the whole "drumstick fiasco", they rehearsed and gone over the song James recently wrote, trying to figure out the melody and what chords to play. I sat there and watched them, as support I suppose. At this rate, it seemed like a everyday thing so far. When they were done, that's when Kirk and Cliff left to go somewhere. Probably going to a bar or something along the lines. I stayed in Lars' garage along with James. Lars was somewhere in the house doing, God knows what. I sat on the sofa, reading a magazine that Cliff got from Lars' mailbox before he came in for rehearsal. Hadn't got to read it all day, so I did now. It was about random rock and metal stuff like the rise of KISS, something Ozzy Osbourne from Black Sabbath did, Robert Plant, etc.

I felt an indent in the sofa as I was reading. It was more in likely James. I felt his eyes on me. I looked up on the side of the magazine.
"Yes Mr. Hetfield?"
"Whatcha doin'?"
"Pretty sure it's obvious dumb ass."
He took the magazine out of my hands and put it on the arm of the sofa behind him.
"Hey, what the hell?"
He chuckled.
"You and Lars are so alike. Anyone could tell y'all were related by your guys' attitude."
"Well, he's more irrational with stuff unlike me. And dumber."
He chuckled again, this time, placing his hand in mine. He rubbed mine with his thumb.
"Mhm. Sure."
He then then brought my hands to his lips, then kissed it. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Words cannot explain how I just felt. I felt my cheeks get really warm, and looked away.
"James, stop being a flirt."
He smiled at me, as he lowered his hand.
"I wonder how red you get if I do, this."
He then placed his lips on mine. James then pulled back with a smile. I was dumbfounded. Holy. Fuck. Am I dreaming right now? Did he just-

Lars was standing outside the door, leading inside his house. With that remark, it quickly made me lost my train of thought and me feel a bit embarrassed. James turned to him, smiling cheekily.
"What are you going to do about it, shortie. We will soon or later, right (Y/N)?" James asked, turning back to me.

Was he trying to ask me out? Is this fucking real right now? I mean, we known each other for about three years, so that's alright. Right?

Lars thought it about it for a moment.
"Nothing. Just don't fuck on my good sofa," he replied, leaving. Thank God.
"Dude, not on the first date! What's wrong with you? That's why your ass keeps getting in these short ass relationships!" James yelled back.
He turned back to me.
"What will it be, sweet lips?"

OOOOO WEEEEEE. JAMES! I don't care if he's currently balding, that man, will always remain fine as hell. Like, SHEEET!
Referenced Stepbrothers on paragraph five btw.
Title Credit: The Mamas and The Papas"California Dreamin'"

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