Beautiful Boy - Jonathan Davis (KORN)

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Your POV:
I heard the sounds of crying coming from the hallway. Nathan probably had a nightmare. I was about to get up, but I felt there wasn't an indent in the bed where Jonathan was. He was probably dealing with it. Not long did I see his figure carrying Nathan inside the room from the hallway night lights for Nathan if he needed to use the restroom. Jonathan gave Nathan to me.
"You alright honey?"
"I had a nightmare of a big scary monster. He tried to eat me," he said, rubbing his eyes.
Jonathan went in the bed, scooting close to us.
"Aww. You want to sleep with me and daddy tonight? We can protect you from the monsters, ok?"
He nodded then yawned. I laid him between me and Jonathan. Not long until he went back to sleep.
"At least he didn't have an accident," Jonathan whispered, within a smile on his face.
I chuckled a bit.
"Yeah. That would be terrible."

When Nathan had his first accident, everything was soaked on his bed. Now we got make sure he doesn't drink to much and uses the restroom before bed cause that was a lot to clean up.

I kissed Nathan's head. He was so pretty. Looked just like his daddy. He sure acts like him too. Mini Jonathan.
"Let's go back to bed (Y/N)," Jonathan yawned.
"It's getting late."

When I woke up the next morning to Nathan laughing. Jonathan was up, tickling him. He saw me an smiled.
"Well good morning! Little tyke got up and harassing me."
"I was not!" Nathan protested, but he just ended up getting tickled by Jonathan again.
I smiled at them both. They were so cute.
"C'mon boys. Let's go get ready for breakfast," I said, slowly getting up from the bed.
Nathan wasted no time and sped out the room. Jonathan got up to chase him.

I got out the bed and went down the hall. I saw Jonathan had tackled, not really though, Nathan and was tickling him.
"Daddy! Stop!!"
"Boys!" I called out.
Jonathan stopped and stood up quickly, like I didn't just see him. I put my hands on my hips.
"I didn't do anything."
"Mhm, suuure Mr. Davis."
He walked towards me and removed my hands from my hips to put his on them instead. He then pulled me in and kissed me.
"Ewwww!" Nathan yelled out.
"C'mere you goober!" Jonathan called out, letting go of me and heading back to Nathan, tickling him again. I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen, to pour a bowl of cereal for Nathan.
"Jonathan! What do you want to eat?" I asked, putting the box away when I finished.
"Toast," he replied.
The laughter of Nathan and Jonathan died down a bit.

When I was finished in the kitchen, I grabbed the bowl of cereal and Jonathan's toast to the table. I grabbed and apple from the counter for me.
"C'mon lovelies. Breakfast is done," I called out, putting the stuff down the table. I sat at my chair that was between Nathan's booster seat and the place Jonathan usually sits. I saw Jonathan carrying Nathan to the table. He sat him in his booster seat and went to sit in his chair.
"Thank you!" Nathan cooed a bit, which I smiled.
"Thank you (Y/N)," Jonathan said, beginning to eat a bit of his toast.

"Daddy, what are we gonna do today?" Nathan asked, which a bit of cereal in his cheeks. It made him look like a little chipmunk.
"Well, your Uncle Brian gave me some tickets for the fair not so far from here. He bought us some when he went not too long ago. We can go there today. If that's fine with (Y/N)."
"That'll be so cool Jonathan," I began. "Little Nathan hasn't been to one before. This would be the perfect opportunity."
Jonathan smiled while Nathan squealed with delight.
"Eat up little one so we can get ready and head out."

When we were all done, we all got dressed. Jonathan offered to help Nathan as I got dressed. Knowing California and it's weather, I put on some shorts, a KISS tank top, and my new socks and shoes Jonathan bought me a couple of days ago. I was in the middle of putting on my shoes while Jonathan came in, swinging Nathan around.
"Weeee! I'm an airplane!" Nathan yelled in excitement.
"Come on little airplane. Let me help you put your shoes on while daddy gets dress," I said, after lacing my shoes.
Jonathan put him down and headed to the bathroom. I then started to help Nathan with his shoes.
"I love daddy so much!" Nathan said with a smile on his face. He inherited his smile from Jonathan all right.
I laughed a bit.
"I love him too, sweet boy. He's a good daddy ain't he?"
He nodded.
"Best daddy in the world!"

I love Papa Jon so much. I see so many pictures with him and his kids. They're all so adorable. I love it.
Title Credit: John Lennon "Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)"

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