Open Arms - Lars Ulrich (METALLICA)

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Lars' POV:
I've been cooped up in my room since I haven't been feeling good. Mentally. Just constant stress and anxiety. I haven't really reached out to my band nor have I reached out my partner, (Y/N), about it. It sucks.

Your POV:
"(Y/N), have you checked on Lars? He hasn't been about lately," Kirk said through the phone. I was currently cleaning up my apartment.
"I tried, but goes straight to voicemail."
Me and the rest of Lars' band have been worrying about him the past couple of days. None of us heard back from him. It wasn't like him.
"That does it. I'm going up there to check on him."
"No, no, no. Kirk, I'm going to. Don't worry. When I'm done here, in a matter of fact. I'll go see him. I'll notify you once I know what's up. Tell James and Jason that as well, please. Ok?"
He sighed. I knew he was missing his best friend.
"It'll be ok Kirk. I know how you feel. Talk to a bit."
With that, I hung up the phone. I needed to see Lars.

Lars didn't live too far away from the apartment so I got there in about ten minutes. I went up to the front door and knocked.
"Lars?" I called out. Nothing.
I waited for about a minute and knocked again.
"Lars, honey, it's me." Still, nothing.
I moved away from the mat that was on his doorstep and removed it. He always had a extra key somewhere. And there it was. I picked it up and unlocked it. Thank God he didn't have the chain up otherwise I would've been shit out of luck. I went inside and closed the door behind me.

I walked out the door way and walked down the hall on the left. The house wasn't a mess as it usually was. I peaked out of the doorway of his room. He was asleep. I walked in the room, quietly, and sat on his bed beside him. I gently pulled closer to me, with head now on my lap. He was awfully cute when he's not being extra and wild. But I also noticed his cheeks were a bit, tear stained? Had he been crying?
I ran my fingers through his long, wavy hair. Not long until he opened his eyes. He was first confused, but then he relaxed his face.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" he asked, wiping his face.
"We were worried about you, Lars. You haven't been out and about lately nor have you been returning our calls to see if you were ok."
He said nothing. He just stared up at me.
"What's going on? Are you feeling ok?"
Lars grabbed my hand and kissed it with his soft lips, dodging my question.
"Lars Bars. What is it? You're not sick are you?"
"Physically, no. Mentally, a bit," he replied, kissing my fingers.
"Then what's up?"
"Just..." he paused.
"Just, what?"
He sighed.
About what? The band?
"What are you stressed about, Lars?"
"Getting stuff done, getting ready for touring, not the band, but being in it itself, y'know? It's troublesome. I need a break."
I nodded. It's just been one of those days I suppose.

"You haven't spent most of your time in your room have you?"
He scrunched up his face, giving me my answer.
"That's not healthy, Lars. You know that."
"Yes, mother," he retorted, which I flicked his head with my free hand.
"Not funny. Come on. Get up. We're going out," I said, moving his head off me and getting off his bed. Lars slowly, but surely, got up.
"I don't want to go," he whined, hugging me from behind.
"I know, but you need to be out. Only for a bit. Then you and me can cuddle, keep you at ease. Savy?"
He chuckled and went to kiss my neck.

"He's alright?" Kirk asked.
Me and Lars just came back from our little walk around the neighborhood. He seemed a bit better. He was currently hugging me, his head under the crook of my neck. Cute little thing.
"Yes, Kirk. He's able to come back around Tuesday. If that's alright with y'all?"
"Yeah, yeah, sure. Can I talk to him for a sec?"
I gave the phone to Lars, who still hung to me like a koala, maneuvering the cord that was in the way.
The rest of the talk was inaudible to me besides Lars' laughter, which was a good sign. He then moved towards the nightstand by his bed and put the phone up.
"All done?"
"Shh. Let me sleep for a bit."
"Lars, you probably slept all day."
"Don't care. I'm tired," he replied, giving a kiss on my neck before going back to his original position.
"Love you, (Y/N)," he mumbled.
I smiled and kissed the top of his head.
"Love you too, you cute, shit head."

I just have to say, Lars is one of the best drummers I know, metal wise, cause Ringo Starr from The Beatles is the best and my favorite. Shh. Anyways, Lars. Probably lived in Mars, as he's dropping bars, while buying cars. Ignore that. I just love his name! And when he's speaking Danish, 👀.
Title Credit: Journey "Open Arms"

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