Rock the House - Chris Fehn #3 (SLIPKNOT)

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Your POV:
House parties... aren't really my cup of tea. Too damn hectic. But, here I am. I'm only here since my friend, Chris, begged me to go. Well, him and his whole band did. It was at Sid's place, figures. The house was pretty decent outside. Well, scratch that. When I walked here, there was a trash and a bunch of people outside, doing God knows what. Inside was just as worse. People were blocking the door way so I had to squeeze in so I could go to the living room. I saw Jim and Chris talking to each other on the couch with Sid in the kitchen chugging beers with a shit load of people around him. Wow. I sat beside Chris. He smiled.

"Glad you can make it," he said.
"Surprised you made it pass the door. You would've been crushed to death," Jim joked.
"Har har. Very funny."
A guy walked up to Jim. Probably one of his friends.
"Yo Jim. Help us out here man."
"Well that's my cue. Have fun kiddos," he said getting up, following the guy.
The party was crazy loud. It didn't help that the smell of weed was quite faint in the air. There were a lot of women here with perfume, which made it even worse. Like it was a whore house. The smell was very intoxicating. It made me a bit dizzy. Chris looked at me, worried.

"You alright there?"
I simply nodded. He frowned, knowing I was lying. He didn't say anything though. Just hugged my side. I eventually saw Mick and he came to sit with us.
"You're here too?"
"We're all here, except Craig. You know how he is."

Craig, you lucky bastard. I have to be here in this hell hole while you get to be a peace. Lucky ducky.

"Do you guys want a drink?" Mick asked, sipping his drink.
I shrugged. I know there wasn't nothing good. Sid ever had is alcohol. I really don't need that in my system right now.
"No thanks Mick," Craig replied, which made Mick leave.
I heard some yelling and jumped up. It was people running down the stairs chasing each other. I'm getting sick of all this. I looked at time on Chris' watch. 9:10. I've been here for only ten minutes and I already want to leave. Chris looked at me as if he could read my thoughts. He then got up, reaching for my hand.
"Come with me. I got an idea."

"Where are going?" I asked as we walked up the stairs.
"Shhh. A secret."
We went into one of the rooms on the second floor. Thankfully, no one was there. Chris went up to the window and opened it.
He said nothing. He climbed over the window sill and then climbed up on the tree that was was close to it. I went to the window and looked up. He popped his his head down , scaring me.
"You ass!"
He chuckled. He brought his arm down and pulled me up. We were in the roof. He walked towards the other side, which was above the door. I followed after him, carefully. The dog was slanted and I don't plan on going to the hospital tonight. We sat down towards the edge. It was calm, and the world was at peace up here. Well, and a bit cold. But I loved it. The view of all the houses, everything. It looked amazing. I laid on Chris shoulder.
"Feeling a bit better?"
"Yeah," I yawned.

The peace was a bit interrupted when some dude came out the house with some stuff in their hands. I looked closely to see they were firecrackers and all sort of fireworks . Oh no. It's not any special holiday, so we're definitely gouging to get in trouble, as if the weed wasn't as bad. They started lighting them up, one by one. The whirls of fire crackers being heard everywhere. It won't take long until someone starts calling the police. I do not want to be apart of that whatsoever.
"Let's get out of here while we can," Chris whispered.
"Good idea."

GUYS SORRY THIS STORY IS TOO SHORT!! I originally wanted this one for Brian Welch or Lars Ulrich but I just said "fuck it". I've been hella tired lately so if stories are slowly getting done, that's why. Sorry in advance.
Farewell Chris.
Title Credit: Gorillaz "Rock the House"

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