Dumpweed - Sid Wilson #0 (SLIPKNOT)

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Your POV:
"When I say jump the fuck up, that means, to jump the fuck up," Corey said through the mic.
Oh brother. If you are familiar with this phrase, you already know that the hell is going down. Corey made the crowd so this basically every time they performed the song "Spit it Out", which most of the time , wraps up the entire performance. The crowd got all riled up, waiting for Corey's next instruction. Sid made it worse, by jumping into the crowd, joining the fun. I pray he don't get injured. They all waited for Corey, with Jim and Mick playing their guitars on the same loop, waiting for the sign. Then, hell broke loose.

It was like a fucking wave, going up and down. Hell, I think I saw Craig jumping from his samples as well. The only person who couldn't really was Joey, since he played the drums, obviously. I was trying to find Sid, I'm the cried of people, which was damn near impossible. I then saw him get out with the help of fans and security, then getting back on stage with the rest of the band, which made me relieved.

A couple minutes later, after Corey was thanking the crowd and stuff like that. They walked to the backstage, where I had watched them. Well, Sid didn't technically walk. He did this weird dance-like walk. They all were sweaty and tired, for the most part.
"Good job you guys," I said, giving each one a hug. I had to be careful with Craig, due to the spikes on his mask. Sid stood by me the whole time, jumping around.
"We need to head back to the bus," Paul said.
"Whoa whoa whoa. Let's celebrate first!" Chris added.
Corey put his hand in his shoulder.
"I agree with Chris guys."

There was a lounge room there that we all went to. It had sofas, a huge flatscreen, a mini like kitchen that consisted with a sink, cabinet and a fridge, and a huge ass bathroom. The boys looted the drinks from the fridge, which mainly consisted of alcohol. It was either Bud Light, Heineken, and Jack. I took a water I found in there while they were busy chugging down their drinks. Uh oh. Thank god I brought Tylenol . It became loud rather quickly. Mainly with Corey yelling along with Sid.

I sat down on the couch with Craig, who also had water. Craig is a strange one. He barely talks to hardly anyone. But when he does, it's cause he standing up for himself, well, sometimes.
"You alright Craig?" I asked him. I had to be a bit loud too the noise.
He nodded, facing the tv ahead. Sid, then plopped his ass between us.
"Hiya hon!" he exclaimed. He took off his mask. He looked like a raccoon due to black paint circling around his eyes and mouth.
"Wow, you're rude. Was just talking to Craig you bitch," I joked.
"Shut it."
He then kissed me. He reeked of alcohol and something else. That same smell lingered through the room. It could bring me to one thing. It was weed.
I turn and saw Jim passing the blunt to Corey.
"Sid, why? You could get us all in deep shit!"
"Relax, it's legal here."
I eyed him for a bit.
The smell kept getting worse and worse. How could they stand that shit? I got up from the sofa, heading towards the door.
"I'm going to the bus, this is all too much," I called out.

Sid followed me out. We walked to the bus that was not so far from the exit. It was huge a fuck. For ten people (usually nine if I weren't here). "You didn't have to leave. You could've stayed."
"Nah it all good."
We got in, heading to Sid's bunk. Mine and his bags were at the foot of it. He went through his and grabbed some clothes to change into.
"Eww. Putting clean clothes on a dirty body. Really Sid?"
He didn't say anything. He went to the bathroom to wash the black paint off his face. He came back, with some paint still on his face.
I smiled and wiped the rest off with my hand. He then went to lay in his bed. He patted on a free space on there. I went down to the bed, putting myself under the cover. He scooted closer to me, holding me. I felt his heart beating really fast. It then became slower and at a good pace as calmed down, eventually falling asleep.

Early Morning:
I woke up numerous times, hearing the sounds of someone vomiting. I already knew this would gonna happened. Sid was knocked out though. I got up, in order to take care of them. It was Chris and Jim. I shook my head.
"Y'all keep overdoing it," I said, looking for my Tylenol. I each gave them two capsules.
"Thanks," they nigh said and went back to bed. I did the same thing as well. I heard more vomiting again. This was going to be a long morning.

Yes I'm going my boys in order here. Staring to from zero to eight. However, I'm going to stick with the original members for the most part. If other members are requested like Tortilla man, I writes something for them.
Time Credit: blink-182 "Dumpweed"

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