Who Can I Run To - Kirk Hammet (METALLICA)

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Your POV:
Life's been pretty boring lately as well as lonely. Just loads upon loads of work. I would go see my best friend, Kirk, but he and his band out out on tour for almost a month. I would call him but I don't want to seem like I'm keeping him from anything. So  that's why, on this gloomy Saturday, I was just in bed all day. I don't have work, but I had nothing to do, nor did I want to do anything. I just missed Kirk.

Next week was just all the same, nothing new. Constant insanity if you ask me. On the way home, I went to the grocery store. I needed to get more milk and bread. I paid for them both and headed home. It almost took a while since there was an traffic nearby. Great. Just lovely. When I got home I went into the kitchen and put my stuff away, the milky in the fridge and the bread in the pantry. I saw I had numerous Pop Tarts in there so I grabbed a box and headed upstairs to my room. I'll just relax and watch tv as I eat them. But first, I had to change. I grabbed one of Kirk's shirt that he left here, his favorite one, The Misfits tank top, and some Snoopy and Woodstock pajama pants.

I went in the bathroom to change cause I had to fix my hair as well. I looked at myself in the mirror. Maybe I didn't need to fix it. I should just let it be. I went out the bathroom and went to sit in my bed. I grabbed the remote and switched through channels. I heard someone knock on door from downstairs. I sighed and head down. I looked through the peephole, I couldn't tell who it was since it seemed like glass was smudged a bit. I opened it, only to find Kirk.

"Heya cutie."
I went to hug him as quickly as I could. It was so good to see him. I began to cry a bit.
"Hey, hey, hey. No tears. It's alright," he said, kissing my head.
He walked us both inside and closed the door behind him. He lifted my face up from his chest.
"You missed me?"
"Of course! I was going practically insane! God."
I pulled away to look at him. He was so pretty. He has beautiful dark, curly hair, and amazing tan. His smile, was goofy as I remembered, slightly crooked teeth and everything but I didn't mind. Not even the slightest. Simply gorgeous.
"You done starting at me now?" he asked with a chuckle.
"Oh shut up. Come on. You gotta tell me all about it!" I said pulling him, which he laughed at.
We then went back upstairs to my room.

"How's the rest of the band doing?" I asked.
"Fine. Lars and James were drunk a lot and me and Cliff had to deal with their asses," he replied, with a mouthful of Pop Tarts.
I laughed. Sounds just about right.
"How was everything here?"
I sighed.
"Boring. Work's been hellish as always. I missed you all like hell."
"How come you never called then?"
"I didn't wish to seem like I was bothering y'all. Didn't know if you were going to busy or anything."
"No no no. You could've call. I would have answered you, as long as I wasn't performing that is. God, I'm sorry. I should've told you," Kirk replied, rubbing my hand.
We said nothing, just stared at each other. I was going to say something but I was interrupted by Kirk, with a kiss.
"Kirk," I said, rather embarrassed. I felt my cheeks get warm.
He simply chuckled.
"You know, you're so cute when you blush."
"Stop," I said, pushing him a bit.
"But it's true."
"It's also true you're a dork."
He put his hand to chest, as if he was offended.
"How rude!"

We both laughed. I then sighed.
"Kirk Lee Hammet, don't know what I'll do without you."
"You would go insane," he said, nudging me with shoulder.
"Yeah, true."

While he went to the rest room, I picked up the trash that was on my bed a long with the box of Pop Tarts. I put the trash in the small bin that was by my desk and placed the box top of the desk too. I then went back to sitting on my bed. I switched through the channels and stopped at one that was playing The Brady Bunch. Kirk came out the bathroom and sat next to me. I put my head on his shoulder as we watched the television.

"Tomorrow, I'm taking you out. Wherever you want. I want to spend time with you before we start recording on some songs James started writing."
"Is this your way of asking me out?" I asked.
He smiled.

*sigh* Kirk, Kirk, Kirk. Just. I don't know how to explain my love for this man. His talent, personality, just, Lord.
I love him.
Title Credit: Xscape "Who Can I Run To"

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