My Own Summer - David Silveria (KORN)

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Your POV:
It is hot as hell in thing fucking place. I came to pick up David from rehearsal and damn. The AC hasn't been working for God knows long. Inside and outside was 95 degrees. It felt like 100 due to the humidity. Add another 5 degrees due to the body heat the band was producing. Everyone was shirtless and so was I. A bit later they finally finished.
"David," I said, gasping for air.
"Let's get the fuck outta here. It's fucking hot as hell."
It was like I was slurring. That's how bad it was.
"Ok I'm coming, I'm coming."
"Come faster!"
I saw Brian smirk.
"Get your mind outta the damn gutter!"

We walked home. I was going to bring the car but forgot the seats were leather. That would be a terrible idea to sit in those seats during a hot day like this. David had a cold towel hanging by his neck. I had a frozen water bottle held to my neck. After a couple of minutes, we arrived home. We didn't do anything except to lay on the floor, under the fan. It felt so cool. Way better than outside. We smelt bad though.
"Dave, we gotta take a bath."
"Mmmm, right now? This feels so nice."
"A cold bath would be nicer and good with those muscles of yours," I said with a smile.
He smiled too.
"I like the sound of that."

I drew the bath and me and David got in. I was a bit hesitant due to how cold it was, but I rather be cold than hot. I could feel David's eyes on me.
He chuckled.
"Nothing. You look better without clothes."
I smiled as I started to wash myself.
"Thanks pretty boy."
I felt David's hands rubbing my sides.
"David, please. It was too hot outside. I just want to relax."
"What do you think I'm trying to do?"
He then started rubbing my shoulders.

He laughed at my statement. His hand movement felt so wonderful. I leaned back, laying on his chest, making him stop.
"You tired?" he asked, looking down at me with a smile.
"Not really."
"Mhm. Sure."
He moved his head down, placing kiss on my head.
"Love you."

Next Day:
It was just as hot as yesterday. I really didn't want to go out. But David wasn't having it.
"Come on. We can't just stay cooped up in this house all day."
"Yeah we can," I replied. I was too busy watching MTV Cribs on the couch.
David went in front of me and got in his knees. He then embraced my thighs.
"Please," he mumbled a bit.
I played with his pretty blonde hair, eyes still on the tv. I then sighed.
"What do you wanna do?" I asked, giving in.
"We could go to the pool."
"With your bandmates?"
He thought of it for a moment.
"Nah. We've hadn't had a lot of time for the two of us lately. So, just you and me gorgeous," he said, looking up at me with his beautiful brown eyes.
"Ok. We can go. Now off so we can get ready to leave."

A bit later:
We pulled up to a public pool not to far from the house. Surprisingly, not a lot of people, just mainly older people. I take it everyone in their momma is at some water park currently. We set our stuff down by a chair then got in the water.
"Hey babe! Look!" David called out. He managed to do a handstand underwater.
"God damn!"
He went back up, completely soaked. With his beard, he looked like a wet goat.
"Got any tricks you wanna show me?"
"No, but I can swim faster than you."
He chuckled.
"Alright then. Let's start here, all the way down there," he pointed to the other side of the pool.
"Oh, you're on."
We took our places by the entrance.
"On three," he began. "One, two,"
I took off like a bat outta hell.

I could barely hear him since water was in my ears. Eventually, I reached to the other side and went up.
"Ha! I win!"
I looked around and couldn't see David in the water.
I felt a pair of hands grab me and lifted me up a bit from the water.
I laughed. It was David.
"You jackass! You scared me!"
"I'm not the jackass who cheated though."
"Oh whatever."
I pulled him closer to me and kissed him.
"Oh. So you call me a jackass and the kiss me? A real switcharoo aren't ya?"
"Shut up. You still love me though."
"Mhm. Sure do."

We continued to race each other, and eventually he won. I then took a break and sat the chair with our towels and stuff. Well, laid on it. My tan is terrible currently. Everywhere else in my body is tanned except my arms. So I laid down. Bout five minutes later, I felt a slap on my ass. I quickly turned around, ready to hit whoever did that, but just find out it was David again.

"David Randall Silveria, if you don't stop fucking with me."
He laughed, grabbing a towel.
"I can't help with. You're too easy."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
" Guarantee that in the next 20ish minutes, I'll be able to get ya again."
He sat down at the free space on the the chair.
"Wanna go home? Getting a bit hungry."
"Thank god you asked."

After a quick shower we had lunch. Nothing special. Just tuna fish sandwiches. We ate on the couch watching Daria. You could probably guess that I barely watch any other TV channel except for MTV. I mainly like it cause of Daria and Beavis and Butthead. Just two years ago, me and David watched Beavis and Butthead Do America in theaters. It was pretty stupid, but what would you except? It's supposed to be. After we ate, we decided to just lay those the in the couch. David grabbed a blanket from the hallway pantry and we were set. I was laying down, with David's arms wrapped around me.

"Did you enjoy yourself today?" he asked.
"Yeah. I would be fine just staying here."
"Yeah bug it wouldn't be as fun though. Gotta do that sometime again. We could invite my bandmates, but I haven't decided yet."
"If they do get to come, we'll have a chicken fight."
He chuckled,
"You're right. I'll kick your ass though."
"We'll see about that."

Only decided to add the pool part cause it was hot ass day yesterday and I went to the pool (I mean, I'm in Florida so what should I expect).
Title Credit: Deftones "My Own Summer"

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