Tour - Paul Gray #2 (SLIPKNOT)

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Paul's POV:
The ride to Cali felt like forever. We were just coming from Florida to do a show all the way in San Diego. We're in Texas now. It was hot as hell in our bus. Everyone was going a bit bat shit crazy due to the heat. I heard Shawn and Sid fighting about something. I heard Chris and Jim cheering them on. Mick and Craig were sitting there watching them. As for Corey and Joey, well Joey, me, and (Y/N) were playing cards at the table, and Corey, asleep in his bunk. Sid passed us going to our driver.

"Dude can we stop at a gas station or something? I need a drink."
The driver looked around and saw this huge gas station called "Bucky's" or something like that, I only saw part of it, as we pulled in to a parking spot. I mainly focus on my hand to pay attention.
Joey put down his cards.
"21," he smiled.
(Y/N) looked confused with a rage for losing. Again.
"The hell? This is game is rigged!"
Me and Joey laughed. I ruffled (Y/N)'s hair.
"Cheer up. Let's go get something," I said, seeing that some of the guys were passing us to get out. They nodded and the three of us left from the table and got out the bus.

We went inside the gas station. The inside was as big as the outside. Even the bathrooms were big. I saw Sid and Chris at the candy section and Shawn by the alcohol. (Y/N) went to Sid and them. I looked around at the chips with Joey. Joey saw these weird looking chips and showed to me.
"Spicy pickle potato chips?" I said, reading the bag. Joey smiled and stuck his tongue out.
"Think Shawn would like this shit. Hey Shawn!" Joey called out. Shawn came to us, combing his beard with his hand, and the other, a thing of beer.
"What do you want Joe?" his voice a bit gruff.
I showed him the bag of chips. He read them and looked at the both of us.
"The hell? That's fucking disgusting. You guys are outta your fucking mind."
He grabbed the chips and went to the other aisle. Me and Joey laughed. That weirdo. The both of us went to the candy aisle to see if (Y/N) and them were done so we can pay for our stuff. Sid had three bags of marshmallows, five energy drinks, and a shirt with the gas station's mascot, some otter with a red cap.
"Really Sid. All that sweetie is gonna give you diabete." (get the reference???)
(Y/N) shrugged.
"I tried telling him."
"Oh he's fine! If he gets it, that's his own fucking problem," Chris said, making it worse with his arms full of sweets.
I know as soon as we get back on that bus, Sid is going to go fucking nuts, not that he doesn't go nuts anyways. He's more in likely going to either try to pick with fights with us or go on this rant about Transformers. That's what he does when he's hyper.

We all went to the counter to pay for our stuff. I got some chips and beer for Craig and Mick and a blanket for Corey. The one he currently has is too damn small. We paid and left. Then it was back to going on the road. (Y/N ) removed the blanket from the package and threw over Corey, then throwing the old one away.
"Hey! That blanket is perfectly fine!" Shawn fussed.
"That blanket is the size for any of our fat asses!" Jim yelled.
I mean, hey, it's true. We're fat, ugly kids (another reference but completely different). Mick, Jim, and Shawn were busy talking and drinking beer. Sid, finally in his sugar rush, was harassing poor Craig with the usual. Surprisingly, it turned out the be a convo about turn tables and samples, which Craig seemed to enjoy. Joey eventually went to back where Corey was, getting ready to go to sleep in his bunk. Chris was fast asleep on of the couches with a bag of candy on his stomach. That left up to me and (Y/N). They were busy staring at the window. The sun slowly started to set. It did look pretty nice outside. Probably warm too. They then turned to me.

"I'm getting hungry. Want me to warm you up something Paul while I'm at it?" they asked, getting up from their side of the table.
"Oh no it's fine. Really."
With that, they left. I stared out the window, looking at the cars passing by. It was a bit peaceful. Well, until Sid was tossed on the table. Him and Shawn must be fighting again.
"Hehehe! Hi Paul!" he giggled.
"I'm not done yet you little shit!" Shawn yelled which made Sid jump off from the table. Mick caught him and held him.
"Let go you fucking bastard!"
"Just for that, no. Suffer you little bitch."
Shawn came up and started punching him, not really punching, just play fighting.
"Ow! Please! Mercy! Mercy!" Sid cried out.
(Y/N) had to push through the guys to come back to the table with two plates of pizza in their hands.
"You didn't,"
"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. Scoot over," they replied, sitting next with me and putting the plates down on the table. They watched Shawn punching Sid.
"Do I even want to know why?"
"Best if we don't know," I chuckled.

We began to eat and the noise from Shawn and them died down.
"Little too quiet out here isn't it?"
I agreed. We looked from the side of us. Shawn and Sid were star fished on the floor. I couldn't find the others. They must've went to their bunks. After I finished my pizza, I wiped my hands on my shirt and gazed back out the window. It was dark now. I felt (Y/N)'s head rest on my shoulder. I looked down at them.
"Just a couple more days and we're gonna be there."

Ah yes. Texas. How I miss the place dearly. Especially that gas station. I mainly based this off my many trips across the US, due to being in a military family. The song choice was one of the many reggae songs my dad played while were in the car driving from Texas to Florida.
🥀Rest well beloved Paul🥀
Song Credit: Capleton "Tour"

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