On Melancholy Hill - Jason Newsted (METALLICA)

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Jason's POV:
Me and (Y/N) haven't been in good terms lately. Constantly fighting with each other. Why? Well, they've been concerned with the state of me and my band. Always drinking. I understand their thought process, but it's my life. I live it how I want.

With that, we've been a bit separated. We don't even sleep together anymore. I started sleeping on the couch while they slept on the bed. We rarely talk nor acknowledge each other. After a while, it made me feel, rather lonesome, so to say. It's never got this point before. I started to feel guilty about the entire thing as I also started to miss them. It was fucking depressing.

The other day, we were in the studio, recording for our album, "Ride the Lighting". James and Lars been working out a lot of the lyrics so all we had to is figure out what tune matches what, then record it if we like it and got used to how it sounded. James stared at me the whole time, but said nothing. Not long until (Y/N) showed up. They always show up regardless to support us, which we all appreciated. I saw that they were wearing one of my shirts and smiled a bit.

"Well hey there little munchkin!" Kirk exclaimed as he went to hug them as they entered the room.
They smiled, hugging him back.
"Kirk, I'm basically the same height as you. Shush."
Lars looked up from his set as (Y/N) sat down on the sofa next to James, who took his gaze off me.
"Hey (Y/N)," he said, giving them a side hug.
"What are y'all doing this time?"
"Well," Lars began. "Me and Mr. James there, were finished writing. Now, we're trying to figure out how it go with music."
"Ooo. Can I see?" They asked which made James smiled. He grabbed the notepad he was writing in and gave it to them.
"Jason, over there, helped us on this one," he pointed.
They read and said nothing. That's when I could feel the weird tension between us going on, again. James noticed and mouthed to me, "What happened?". I obviously didn't respond. I would tell him later, which is more and likely not gonna happen.

The band all knew we fought but they never knew why. They constantly pestered me about it, which became annoying after some time.

When (Y/N) finished, I saw them look at me, but only for a spit second, then looked at James.
"Not bad. I can imagine it going a bit fast paced a bit, then when you start with the "Die, by my hand" portion, it goes a bit slow, then for the rest, the same pace as before."
Kirk smiled as he picked up his guitar.
"You know what, that doesn't seem like a bad idea."

We started to figure the music with the lyrics Lars and James wrote. It took us a bit so we didn't record today. We'll just do it next week. (Y/N) left as we stared putting our stuff away. I went to the kitchen on the other side of the hallway to get some water out of the refrigerator, and sat down at the table. Out of no where, I see James sit down as well.

"Can I help you?"
"What the hell happened? You can't tell me nothing did cause I've been watching y'all like a hawk. You guys are never this separate or quiet."
I sighed as I opened the water bottle, taking slow sips.
"Well, as you noticed, our drinking is going too far."
He thought for a second. Then he seemed like he was going to kill me.
"I swear to fucking God, you didn't hit them did ya?"
"What? No! Shut up and listen. They were worried and we fought about it. First I was being stubborn about it, thinking it's our life and we live how we want. But, then later, it's not really helping us. We get behind track a lot and they're always trying to help us focus. So, yeah."
James relaxed his face, thank God since I didn't wish to be killed today.
"So after that, y'all just been, avoiding each other?"
I didn't say anything, I just drunk the rest of my water. He shook his head.
"I can see why they are concerned. We should do an intervention or something like that, don't know the specifics. Can't promise I'll stop drinking. However, I'll try to limit the amount so it's not an ass load. We should all do that. How does that sound?"
To be honest, not half bad. But what if the whole thing doesn't last long? I brushed the thought off, I should be doubtful about it.
"Ok. Well do that. Talk to guys about it though. I'm going home," I replied getting up.
He smiled .
"Go make it up to (Y/N) or I'll hunt you down."

I arrived home in about 20 minutes. I saw (Y/N) cooking in the kitchen. It smelt like they were making breakfast for dinner due to the aroma of biscuits. I sat down at a stool by the island. I watched them cook, not saying a word. They were humming, what I believe was "Faith" by George Michael. They always sang or hum, to keep them at ease.
"Dinner smells good," I said, which caught them a bit off guard. They smiled and kept doing what they were doing.

Them smiling wasn't enough for me. I missed hearing their voice.

They took the biscuits out the oven and made our plates that contained, scrambled eggs, bacon, grits, and a biscuits. They gave me my plate and sat on the other stool next to me with theirs. We ate in silence.
"I'm, I'm sorry (Y/N)," I said, trying to break the silence.
They sighed. "That's what you always say. You never mean it. Otherwise, we wouldn't be up to this point now would we."

They were slightly right. But I was sorry. I understood everything now and I wanted to change. Not just for me but for them. I didn't want to constantly stress them about about my drinking habits.

"I know, I know," I began, taking a bit of my eggs. "But I'm gonna do better."
"Hmm. How?"

I sighed. By their tone of voice, they seemed annoyed which I could see why.

"I talked to James after you left. We said we'll all do something like an intervention or something and trying to figure out how we'd can limit ourselves from doing too much".

Your POV:
I don't know if I can believe that or not. He hasn't not lied to me before. But, I can see James agreeing with that. In response, I simply nodded. He then placed his hand on my thigh, slightly squeezing it.
"I'm gonna try (Y/N). Please, forgive me."
I thought of it. I can't just forgive him then and there. But, I missed him as much he probably missed me. If I don't, we would probably be in the situation we're in now even longer, which I hated, but it is what it is.
"Ok, Jason. I trust you on this. I hope you keep your word this time."

Jason volunteered to do he dishes as I went and shower. When I was done, I went into my room, and sat on my bed, waiting for Jason. He eventually came in and smiled at me. He sat down next to me.
"C'mere. Let me hold you, honey."
I kissed his cheek as he held on to me. God how I missed this. His touch, him calling me "honey" or "baby", just him loving me in general.
"I'm sorry," he constantly whispered, kissing my neck.
"It's fine Jason. I'm glad you guys are going to be working this out."

Yo. Uhhhh, yeah. I didn't really know how to end this so I left it like this. My apologies. Anyways, kudos to Jason man. This back up vocals were the shit.
Title Credit: Gorillaz "On Melancholy Hill"

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