The Sweater Song - Ray Luzier (KORN)

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Your POV:
My husband and his band were doing a photo shoot today. He left early to go leaving me home alone. I knew where it was getting done so I changed and drove there. It's been a while since his band did one. Wonder what they might be wearing.

I pulled up to the studio they were getting their pictures for. It was for some metal magazine. I went inside. Cameras everywhere, figures. I didn't see Ray though. However, I did see James. I almost laughed at the sight. He looked like someone's uncle at a family gathering. He noticed me and came to where I was.

"Hey (Y/N)."
I didn't realize he was wearing glasses, which made him more dorky. Well, not like he isn't.
He must've been able to read my thoughts cause he smiled.
"Not what I had in mind, but I like it."
I smiled.
"It sure looks comfy."
"Yup! Here feel the sweater!"
It felt like it was made by an old lady, but it was soft.
"Damn, are you all wearing sweaters? Might have to steal Ray's."
He chuckled.
"Hey James! Get over hear!" a familiar voice yelled.

I looked behind him to see it was Ray. He and the rest of the band were wearing their sweaters. It made my burst out laughing. They all look like someone's gay uncle, no offense. Me and James ran to them, while I ran to Ray's arms.
"Well hey there! Surprised to see you hear," he said with a smile.
"I'm surprised you're wearing that goofy outfit."
"Oh pish posh. I think I looks rather sexy."
I chuckled.
I went around, giving hugs to the rest of the band. When I came to see Reggie, I was shocked to see the quality his hair was in. Most of the time, it was messy but damn, he looked fresh.
"Guys, it looks like they want you," I said, pointing at the crew behind him.

They started with individual pictures first. They did my in order of first names so I had Ray to my self for a bit. We sat at an empty couch that were behind the cameras.
"How has it been Ray? Since you guys been out here?"
"Eh, bout an hour. Mainly to set up cameras. It didn't take me long to get ready though. I was playing Candy Crush most of the time."
I sighed.
"Of course you were."
I laid on his shoulder. He looked down at me.
"Tired. Been at work all week. Hoping to spend the day with you, but forgot y'all had this to attend."
He frowned a bit.
"Sorry. I'll make it up to you tomorrow."
"It's fine Ray."
We sat there in silence, watching James get his picture.
"Hey Ray, can I try on your sweater when we get home."
He smiled.
"Of course, it's a bit itchy though."
"I don't mind."

An hour later:
The boys were finished with the pictures. We all got to look at them. They all look so goofy. Loved it. When these get out, I'm gonna put this in the photo album. Definitely worth remembering. A bit later, we all said goodbye and left to go home. Me and Ray challenged each other who would arrived home first, legally of course. I won cause I found this short cut on the way to the studio. We went inside and Ray sat down on the couch. I stared at him the entire time.

"What? Did I do something?"
He chuckled.
"Very impatient aren't we?"
He took off his sweater, revealing his black tank top he had under it. He tossed me the sweater. I didn't waste no time to put it on. It was very comfortable and a bit big on me. I smelt the sleeves. Sure enough, they smelt like him.
"Jesus you're weird."
"Shut up!"
I got on top of him, my head touching his. He held me tight.
"Look awfully cute in that y'know?" he smiled, giving me a kiss.
"I figured I did."

Sorry this was rather short but I've been busy watching the Texas Chainsaw movies.
Anyways, have some photos of this shoot.

Anyways, have some photos of this shoot

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They all look so cute in these

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They all look so cute in these.
Title Credit: Weezer "Undone - The Sweater Song"

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